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Q: Can a blob fish live outside of water?
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What is the adaptation of the blob fish?

The Blob Fish is mostly jelly which helps it live under the water at so much presser

What is a blob fish's habitat?

Water, just as a silly answer. No, no I won't be harsh to you,Not many people ever see a blob fish. That's because they live in very deep water, almost on the bottom of the ocean.

Does blob fish live?


Where do blob fishes live?

they live in the sea on the coast of Australia

Where blob fish live?

they live in the sea on the coast of Australia

Does a blob fish lay eggs or have live babies?

live of cource.

Why fish live in the ocean?

Fish live in water, either freshwater or salt, because they breathe through gills and cannot live outside of water.

Which animal lives outside water?

All animals but fish, turtles,whales,dolphins, etc. live outside the water

Can catfish live outside?

If you mean outside of water it can for a while is kept wet catfish can live outside of water longer than any fish that is required to breath oxygen in water if you mean outside a house than of course

Weird animals that live in water?

there are many creatures that live in water 1.small fishes 2.large fishes 3.octopus 4.see weeds many more

How long do blob fish live for?

20 billion years if you dont eat it thinking its jello

What fish live in water?

Fish live in water.