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Q: Can a blood test prove if the child is mine?
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How can I prove you are your mother's child?

blood or dna test. Blood Test.

Can a DNA test with hair prove a child is mine?

I suppose, if the lab accepts it, but usually a saliva sample is taken.

Can blood tests be used to prove that a certain man is the father of a child?

If the blood is used for a DNA test, yes.But then you also need it from the child. You have to have something to compare it to. But you don't need blood - saliva will do.

What can a blood test prove?

A blood test can prove many illnessed or diseases you may have, and tell how much iron and minerals are in your body.

Prove cherokee blood?

The only blood tests that will prove you are a Cherokee is a generic test that shows you are the child or sibling of a person who is known to be a Cherokee. All other tests will only suggest that the probability is more or less.

If your pregnant with a blood test prove it?


If you are trying to prove to your family that you are not the biological father of a baby what can you do?

The only absolute proof would be a blood test. A blood test cannot prove you are the father, but it can prove that you aren't. In other words, a blood test could give what doctors call a "false positive," but if the test comes out negative, it's a sure thing -- you aren't the father. But a blood test requires a sample from the baby, as well, for comparison with yours. If the child's parent won't consent, a blood test isn't possible. One other thought: in the US, a person is considered innocent until proven guilty. That means it's not up to you to prove your innocence. It's up to your family to prove your guilt. Do they have any real reason to suspect you?

Does a man have tp pay child support if blood test were taken or he never sighed the birth certificate?

If he can prove through a paternity test that he is not the father, he needs to petition the court to stop child support and can ask that prior child support be returned to him.

How can you prove your being poisoned?

It would be awful to be poisoned. If a person knows that they are being poisoned, they can get a blood test to prove the substance is in their blood.

How can you make your ex girlfriend have a DNA test to prove that her child is mine?

If your ex-girlfriend is refusing to have a paternity test done, you do have other means of getting one. You would have to file a court petition, with a compelling statement of why a paternity test would be reasonable.

What kind of vaccination records does a child need to attend school?

You need medical records from the doctor who vaccinated your child. Some states require a blood test to prove immunity before entering school.

How can you prove your daughter is her fathers child?

By having a DNA test done