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If he can prove through a paternity test that he is not the father, he needs to petition the court to stop child support and can ask that prior child support be returned to him.

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Q: Does a man have tp pay child support if blood test were taken or he never sighed the birth certificate?
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How do you find out your blood type even if you cant find your birth certificate and you dont want to give some blood?

You cant

Is your blood type located on your birth certificate?

Unless this is recent, no. Mine doesn't have it. Good idea, though.

Would you be required to pay child support in CA for a child that you are not listed as the father on the birth certificate when the mother intentionally hid the child from the father without cause?

No. If you arent on the birth cretificate, then you arent legally the father, without a blood test, and if the wife hides her son from you, then she should go to hell.

What certificate is Blood Diamond the film?

Certificate 15

What is a good resource for determining blood type?

Go to you doctor, and have he/she order a test. This information may also be on your birth certificate. You can also give blood, while you are helping someone else to live.

Can you test your personality by your blood type?

There may be similarities between blood types and personalities, but nothing has been proven statistically thus far. You can go to your doctor or local blood bank to find out your blood type. It should also be listed on your birth certificate.

What ways can you use to find out your own blood type?

Generally an individual can obtain the information on their own blood type by simply examining ones birth certificate, it's one of the first things listed after length and weight.

Can you claim parental rights if you are not on the birth certificate?

Only if you submit to a blood test that proves your parentage. Some states will allow paternal/maternal grandparents to assume guardianship of blood-related minor children - BUT - it depends totally on the circumstances.

If im not even sure im the father do you have to still sign rights over so she can be adopted by the mothers boyfriend Im not on the birth certificate or even had a blood test. you live in Iowa?

No, but you need to find out. If the adoption fails, you could be ordered to pay retroactive child support. Also, should the adoption later get rescended.

What goes on a birth certificate?

your full name color of your eyes hair color height and weight when born blood type time you were born and that's all i know so far. :)

I need to know my blood type and do not know how to find it.?

Sometimes your blood type is listed on your birth certificate. Another place to search would be to call your primary care doctor. For more invasive action some blood banks will type your blood even if you are not donating. Call the Red Cross for more options.

What is the birth name of Richard Blood?

Richard Blood's birth name is Richard Henry Blood.