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There's a risk at the last days so yes, always wear protection.

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Q: Can a boy Secretion make a girl pregnant while she has Menstruation?
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Can a girl be pregrenat on her period?

No, a girl cannot be pregnant on her period. If a woman is pregnant then menstruation doesn't occur. Also a woman cannot get pregnant during menstruation - although she can get pregnant as a result of sex on her period.

Can a girl have her period if she thinks she is pregnant?

If a girl thinks she is pregnant that doesn't mean that she is pregnant. A woman cannot menstruate while she is pregnant, thus if she menstruates she obviously isn't pregnant even if she thinks otherwise - although women can bleed during pregnancy this is uncommon, and not menstruation.

Can a girl get periods while she is pregnant?

No, it's biologically impossible to menstruate while pregnant. Menstruation is part of the menstrual cycle, a regular pattern of ovulation and the body preparing for pregnancy, or when there is no pregnancy the uterus lining shedding and the whole process starting again. Thus when pregnant the menstrual cycle is no longer carrying on, no ovulation and no menstruation.

Can a girl get pregnant before menarche?

Yes, a girl can get pregnant before she reaches menarche. Menarche is first menstruation, and menstruation only occurs as a result of ovulation if the egg is not fertilised. Although sometimes first bleeding can be a result of hormonal changes, mistaken for menstruation, it still remains that a girl can become pregnant before reaching menarche.

If a girl is experiencing a menstruation symptoms she can be pregnant?

Could be, most likely it is PMS.

Is it possible for a 15 year old to become pregnant?

as long as the girl has her menstruation ansd is healthy she can get pregnant despite her age

Does menstruation occurs when a teen girl is pregnant?

If a woman menstruates, whether she is a teen or an adult, then she can't possibly be pregnant. Menstruation only occurs if the egg released during ovulation hasn't been fertilised.

Is no menstruation at eighteen normal?

It would be unusual for a girl who was not pregnant, and is certainly something to discuss with your doctor.

While having period can you inpregnate a girl?

A ngirl can't get anyone pregnant - for pregnancy to occur an egg and sperm (from a male) have to come together, a girl cannot get a woman pregnant. Women cannot get pregnant during menstruation as there is no egg, but she may still be fertile so birth control of some form should always be used.

What if the menstruation is not on the exact date you will supposed to have?

sometimes it is because of harmonical disorders....But many times,it means that the girl is pregnant...

What do you can be fertile mean?

Fertile means you can get pregnant or get someone pregnant. For a girl it's ovulation and menstruation and for a boy it means sperms are now live and kicking in his semen.

Why do you get menstruation?

It's a normal thing for every female. But some get irregular menstruation which means she might have a problem in her reproductive system which should be checked by a doctor. Why do you get menstruation? It's a sign which means you are ready to be pregnant. And it happens when a girl becomes mature and got through puberty except menstruation.