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A broken wrist can heal in 4 weeks, but only in younger people. The younger you are the more quickly a fracture will heal. Older people are afraid of falling and breaking a hip or shoulder. Sometimes their body doesn't really recover from the damage and the shock.

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Q: Can a broken wrist heal in 4 weeks?
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How long for a fracture on the wrist to heal?

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How fast can a broken bone on wrist grow?

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How long does it take an elderly person to heal from a wrist fracture?

Fractures of the wrist usually take about 4-8 weeks to heal. For an elderly person, healing time would take at least 6 weeks and may take as long as 10 weeks to heal fully.

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My most reasonable answer is from my teacher who used to be a medical pro 4 to six weeks

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Both can be as painful as each other. Even if the rib is broken there is nothing that can be done medically other than wait for it to heal. It usually takes around 4-6 weeks for a bruised rib to heal, roughly about the same time as a broken one.

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4 weeks to heal and 4-8 weeks for the hormones to go back to normal.

How long does it take heal a broken humerus?

It depends on your age, health and how bad the break is. Mine broke completely in half, it was somewhat functional at around 6 weeks, and 100% at 8 weeks.

How long does a wrist sprain last?

About 2 weeks to a month. I slightly dislocated my wrist and its kinda hard to type with this splint on. But if its slightly dislocated like mine, I would wear a splint for 1-3 weeks. I'm not a doctor but if you did dislocate it and it's really bad, please see a doctor.