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Bulkheads are occasionally used to prevent damaged caused by waves. However, the primary use of bulkheads is to prevent erosion.

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Q: Can a bulkhead in a coastal area help prevent tsunami damage?
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What damage would be caused if Australia was hit by a Tsunami?

That would depend on where the tsunami struck and how big it was. Much of Australia's coastline is very sparsely populated, but a tsunami hitting one of the coastal towns or cities would wreak havoc.

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A tsunami caused most damage in 2004

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The tsunami did much more damage, it also will leave a finachal hole to.

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They are about the same, but if I had to say: Tsunami.

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what precautionary measures are taken to minimize the damage caused by the tsunami

How much would it cost to rebuild the effects of a tsunami?

That really depends on how much damage it caused. But a tsunami as devastating as the one that just hit japan, would cost hundreds of billions.add I understand that some coastal land in Hawaii has been cleared from development because of too-frequent tsunami impact. Very sensible.

Why was Thailand tsunami worse than japan tsunami?

it was bigger and caused more damage

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There was one tsunami that was approximately 84 metres high and did a lot of damage-I'm not being very specific am I?

What caused more damage the tsunami or the earthquake in Japan?

well te earthquake caused the tsunami to hit so the earthquake did the most damage

What factors contributed to the extent of damage caused by this earthquake?

Assuming you're talking about the March 2011 Japanese earthquake, the main factor that caused the majority of damage was the 30-foot tsunami wave that rushed the coastline of the Miyagi Prefecture. Note that damage inland was minimal, since Japan has strict building codes to prevent severe damage to large buildings. But coastal cities didn't stand a chance - the water flattened everything in it's path until it ran out of energy and receeded.

How was the japan tsunami caused damage?

Coastal areas were all but completely wiped out by the force of the wave itself. Areas further inland incurred flood damage, and it is suspected that it also caused problems with Japans electrical grid and caused fires, but it is uncertain whether that was the cause or if it was the earthquake.