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Q: Can a car be repossessed in a mechanic garage while being fixed in the state of south carolina?
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How much do you get paid for being a mechanic?

Not nearly as much as the garage that employs the mechanic.

Is a car in an open garage considered to be in plain view?

Yes ... you can see it ... anyone can see it ... it is in plain view. However, it is on private property and a warrant may be required to remove it unless it is being repossessed.

Can your car be repossessed from your garage on private property in CA?

A car that is actually YOURS cannot be repossessed, as it's paid off. If you have a vehicle being repossessed, they're able to do this because it's actually the finance company which owns that vehicle and possesses their title. A recovery agent can, on behalf of the lienholder, go onto private property in order to recover the lienholder's property - with limitations. They cannot cross a locked gate, and they cannot enter a locked building.

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What are 5 pros of being an auto mechanic?

You can always find a job. You can repair your own vehicles and save money. You can do repairs on the side to earn extra cash. You will know if you are being overcharged for repairs done by a garage. You will have friends you never knew you had.

Can your car get repossessed while being serviced at a dealership?

Yes it can.

Do the police know that your car is being repossessed?

Generally speaking, no.

Why doesn't my truck acclerate?

well being a mechanic and having this problem myself, my solution was PUTTING MY FOOT DOWN?! if this does not work please e-mail me and will give you a free MOTon your vehicle at my garage. glad to be of service!

Can they take your car from de garage closed in Florida?

The reason a car is being repossessed is due to non payment (as promised in written and signed agreement). Until the buyer or lessee has clear title to the vehicle, they have no rights in ownership. Housing a car you don't own in a locked garage is illegal - it is then considered 'stolen' and with the proper court documents, the agency can enter and remove the vehicle.

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Is it against the law to hide your car from being repossessed?

In most locations, yes. However, generally it must be proved that you intended to conceal (the usual word) the asset. Keeping it in your locked garage is usually not regarded as "concealment". Keeping it at your fourth cousin's garage out of state probably is. It's extremely likely that any effective attempt to prevent your car from being repossessed means you lose the use of it anyway, so there's ultimately not much point in doing so, particularly since the lender is generally allowed to charge you for the cost of the repossession... you're just building up more debt. Even if what you're doing is not strictly speaking illegal, about the only logical reason to do it is if you know that you'll be able to pay off the debt in full in a short time and want to keep the car from being repossessed before you can do so.