

Can a cat die from toothpaste?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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13y ago

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Well usually cats die from toothpaste.

If the get lucky maybe they wont die.

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Q: Can a cat die from toothpaste?
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Can you brush your cats teeth with regular toothpaste?

No, you should never use human toothpaste on a cat, as the fluoride alone is toxic and can make a cat ill if ingested. If you wish to brush your cat's teeth, use a pet toothpaste that has no fluoride in and is safe to ingest (I cat cannot spit out toothpaste like humans do).

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buy a special cat brush and toothpaste, hold your cat tight and brush like you brush your own teeth, make sure the cat doesn't swallow any toothpaste :)

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Yes, any enzyme toothpaste specifically for cats or dogs works fine on ferrets.

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No. The cat runs a risk of swallowing the salt water. Salt water will make you very sick.

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No, human toothpaste should never be used on cats. Fluoride is present in most toothpastes and is toxic if ingested, especially to such a small animal like a cat. Cats cannot spit out toothpaste while their teeth are being brushed. Pet toothpaste is free of Fluoride and is completely safe for an animal to ingest.

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No, human toothpaste should never be used on cats. Fluoride is present in most toothpastes and is toxic if ingested, especially to such a small animal like a cat. Cats cannot spit out toothpaste while their teeth are being brushed. Pet toothpaste is free of Fluoride and is completely safe for an animal to ingest.

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