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Q: Can a child be questioned by a school counselor without a parent being present in the State of Florida?
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Can a 10 year old be questioned without a parent present?

Not in most countries - there legal guardian of the child would normally have to be present.

Can police question a 13 year without an adult present in the state of Florida?

No. how ever, if the minor does by any chance say sumthin he should or shouldn't of said, that could be used against him. any person 17 or younger, gettin interrogated or questioned by a pig, will need the parent or guardain present. unless the minor chooses not too have the parent there.

Can a 11yr. old be questioned by a police officer not a RSO at school without a parent or a school official present in the state of North Carolina?

Only with parental consent and the parents being present, unless it is a case of abuse.

Can your minor daughter be questioned by a principle about having relations with a teacher without a parent present?

No its illegal because they cant ask any questions that invole problems with out your consent

Should a student reporting sexual harassment by a teacher be questioned by the police without a parent being present?

If he/she is a minor one, presence of parents during police questioning is a must. Otherwise,the school principal ought to be present in the scene.

Can a child be questioned without an adult in the state of minnesota?

Police can question anyone if they have the proper authority (e.g. warrant), but a parent or guardian is authorized to be present during questioning of a child.

Can you get married in Florida at age of 16 without your parent be present and they can sign a paper saying that they agree?

They have to be with you to get the marriage license.

Can your 16 year old be questioned at school in Michigan after requestig the presents of her parents?

Of course you can continue to be questioned, however, anything you say cannot be used against you in most circumstances. In theory a minor cannot be questioned by Police without the presence of a lawyer or legal parent/guardian. A school official though, does not need your parent present to question you, but you do have the right to request him/her to stop questioning you until a parent arrives.

Is it illegal to interrogate a minor in Kentucky without a legal gardian?

A juvenile can be questioned by the police without his or her parents present as long as it is not considered to be a "custodial interrogation".Once the minor is taken into custody by police, a parent or guardian will be notified in order for them to come to the station. The police can question the minor without their parents present, howeever the minor is within their rights to remain silent and request a solicitor.

Can a 16 year old be questioned alone by police if the child was abused by her mother?

I believe in this situation England has the same laws as the US in which police cannot question anyone under the age of 18 alone however, a 17 year old may give consent to be questioned without a guardian present, anyone younger cannot be questioned whatsoever without a guardian.

Police in Florida has confiscated vessel from individual without arresting him but has questioned him how long do the police have to either make an arrest or drop the whole thing?

until you tell him am i under arrest, if not then i wish to leave now. you don't have to stand there and be qestioned.

Can a minor be questioned at school without parent present in North Carolina?

They have the ability to waive their Miranda rights, but if they ask for their parents it is the same as asking for a lawyer, and from then on a parent must be present.Another View: Please define "questioned."If you are referring to a School Resource Officer (SRO) simply speaking with a student while on the school grounds, it most certainly IS allowed. The situation might change only if the juvenile/student was actually in custody, or being questioned as a suspect in an offense. Then a parent/guardian or school administrator should be present to act as, not only a resource for the minor, but as a witness for the officers actions.