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There should be no reason to file for emancipation. The age of majority in Ohio is 18.

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Q: Can a child file for emancipation at age 18 in Ohio?
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What age can a child emancipate from parents in Ohio?

Ohio law does not have a provision for emancipation. In Ohio you are under your parents' control until you are 18.

Can you move out at the age of 16 in Ohio if you have a job and do you have to become legally emancipated?

No, the legal age of majority in Ohio is 18. The state does not have grounds or procedures for such action, therefore it is not possible for a person to file a petition requesting an emancipation decree.

Can you file emancipation papers in Indiana yourself?

{| |- | There is nothing to file as Indiana does not have an emancipation statute. The age of majority is 18. At that point the parents are no longer responsible for the child. |}

What age in ct can a child file for emancipation?

You have to be 16, read more in the link below.

In Ohio can you make a child age 16 legally responsible for herself?

Only through emancipation

Emancipation and Ages for Moving Out in Ohio?

Ohio has no emancipation statutes. The age of majority, and therefore the age to move out, is 18.

If under the age of 18 can you drive out of the state of Ohio?

In Ohio, emancipation age is 17.

Can you file for emancipation in Oklahoma if you are 16?

If it was the legislators intent that the emancipation not apply to a 16 year olds, the statute would specifically say "any child over the age of 16 but under the age of 18" or any child 16 or 17 years of age.

Can a teenager get emancipated at age 16 in the state of Ohio?

Ohio does not have an emancipation statute.

Child emancipation of a 19 year old in New York State?

New York has set the age of majority at 18. There is no need to file for emancipation at 19. You are considered an adult.

Your 17 year old has moved out you live in the state Ohio how do you go about getting her emancipated?

{| |- | You cannot do this in Ohio. They do not have an emancipation statute. You have to wait until the child reaches the age of 18. |}

Where can you file papers for emancipation of your 18 year old?

That depends on the state you are in. In most of the states, the child reaches the age of majority at 18, so there is no need to file emancipation papers. For those where the age is 19 or 21, you file them at the local court house. They can help you get the proper forms and set up the court appearance.