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Q: Can a child under six be a bone marrow donor to sibling?
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What bone marrow is sed in a bone marrow transplant?

Bone marrow is a red compound found at the centre of large bones in the body. It helps the body to make blood cells and have immunity against diseases. A bone marrow donor has a small operation, where a small hole is made in their hip bone. Some bone marrow is removed, under local anaesthetic. This bone marrow is then given to the bone marrow recipient.

Is leaving a child under 10 at home by themself illegal?

NO it is not it's only illegal if you do not have a phone in the home and if they are watching a sibling, you have to be 12 to babysit

Can a sibling living in the same state as another sibling carry that sibling under their auto insurance policy if the car is in your sisters name?

Sure as an additional insured or driver under the policy. Note: a sibling is a brother or a sister.

Could you go to jail for slapping a child even if you are under 18?

Yes. But not for long. if its a sibling, its not illigal. if its your son/ daughtor, watch out for social services

Can a sibling living in the same state as another sibling carry that sibling under their auto insurance policy?

You can carry anyone on your policy if the vehicle is in your name.

What parental rights do I have as a sperm donor?

Sperm Donor Parental Rights are almost never agreed on by any two courts. Most sperm donors give up their rights or obligations as any sort of parent once they have donated, but most states agree to the same terms when the sperm donor is not the recipient's husband. These terms state that the donor has no right, with respect to the child born as a result of the artificial insemination; and the child, in turn, has no right or interest with respect to the donor. If you are, in fact, the husband, the court may rule you as the rightful father of the child born. The key to distinction in most states is whether or not you are labeled as a "true sperm donor" under a licensed physician. "Informally" donating your sperm may not protect you from child support payments or protect the parents from allowing you parental or visitation rights. Everytime you donate sperm, you should make sure you are doing it through a licensed physician to prevent such issues. If you don't know the person who the sperm was donated to yo

What kinds of problems might arise from an older child trying to raise a younger?

If an older child is raising their younger sibling on a fairly constant basis it robs the older child of their private lives with friends and doing things that they should be doing in order to look back on life full of memories of their childhood. Often the older child may come resentful if they are looked upon as a constant babysitter. If the parents are not around and the older sibling is under the age of 18 (no longer a minor) then relatives should be brought in to help look after both of them.

What is the procedure for becomeing an organ donor?

To become an organ donor, register with your state donor registry, and indicate that you wish to be a donor on your driver's license. Talk with your family and let them know why donating your organs is important to you. They may be asked to sign a consent form after your death so your organs can be donated.

How long can a heart be kept once removed from a donor?

Under the right circumstances, it can be kept FOREVER.

Can you use the Family Medical Leave Act to care for your mother-in-law or sister-in-law?

No. They are not covered under the FMLA. But your actual parents would be, but never a sibling or a sibling-in-law.

Can you change your mind about being an organ donor?

yes you can and if you are under 18 your parents can over rule your choice

If sibling and you are remainders of the estate and sibling dies then who owns the estate?

You need to consult with an attorney who can review the title and how it was created. If the sibling was unmarried and without children their interest may pass to you. However, you may need to probate their estate. If there is a surviving spouse or children of the deceased sibling the situation becomes more complicated. The attorney can advise you of your options under your state laws.