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Yes, coffee can slow down and lessen your menstrual flow - although not by that much, certainly it'snot the most effective method of reducing flow. Coffee is a vasoconstrictor, which basically means that it causes the blood vessels in the uterus to constrict which limits blood loss.

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9y ago
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9y ago

Not drinking coffee doesn't affect your period, it doesn't help you have your period. Although many women find that drinking coffee during menstruation can increase their menstrual cramps, some women find it can reduce flow.

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10y ago

No, coffee cannot stop your menstrual period.

Coffee is a vasoconstrictor so can constrict blood vessels in the uterus to lessening blood loss, but it cannot completely stop menstruation - menstruation is determined by your menstrual cycle.

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9y ago

It is not a usual cause of someone's menstrual cycle running late. Stress, diets, exercise and such are common reasons besides pregnancy that a cycle is late.

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Two days late is nothing and I doubt that you are pregnant. What you describe is PMS and the cramps often come before a period as well as during a period. Stay off of sugars, caffeine, and take B6 to help yourself. When the cramps start using a heating pad to help yourself. When you are a month late for a period take a test.

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No, herpes cannot make your period late. Menstruation is determined by your menstrual cycle, a cycle controlled by hormonal changes throughout your body between your brain and reproductive organs.

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Randomly late period Virgin and not feeling stressed?

Sometimes the body's hormones are off and can make a virgin have a late period even if she is not feeling stressed.

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Emotions do not directly control your menstrual cycle or cause your period to be late. However, stress, anxiety, or emotional upheavals can sometimes contribute to changes in your menstrual cycle, including potentially causing a delay in your period. It's always a good idea to talk to a healthcare provider if you're experiencing significant changes or irregularities in your menstrual cycle.

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Yes, it can. I dated a girl who had a month-late period at least three times during our relationship, due to stress.

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Go and see the doctor

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