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I am not a doctor. But, for the second time in my life I have had a cold virus that left me with awful pain in my left arm and shoulder. It happened once before and it took months for it to stop hurting.

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What is a cold sholder?

A cold shoulder has several meanings. If someone says someone is giving them the "cold shoulder", they mean that person is being rude, hasty, and cranky towards them. A cold shoulder could also mean that someone has a cold shoulder. Their shoulder is really chilly, and they would like a blanket.

What is a sentence for the term cold-shoulder?

This is an idiom meaning someone rudely and pointedly ignored you. Here are some sentences.After I accidentally told her secret, she gave me the cold shoulder whenever she saw me.I gave him the cold shoulder when he tried to pick me up at the bar.Wow, you're really giving me the cold shoulder; when are you going to forgive me?

That the cold virus is an active virus or a hidden virus?

active virus

Does the virus cause a common cold?

Yes a virus does cause the common cold.

Origin of phrase cold shoulder?

in the bed: a lover turns away from her partner, exposing a "cold" shoulder

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ask him why he keeps giving you the cold shoulder, give him your opinion and thoughts on this.

Is the common cold an active or inactive virus?

Cold sores are caused by a virus HSV-type 1.Yes oral herpes is a viral infection.

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Cold on the Shoulder - Tony Rice album - was created in 1984.

What is the pathogen of cold sores?

Cold sores are not caused by organisms, they are caused by a virus called oral herpes.

What can you throw but not catch?

A cold or other type of virus or bacterial infection.

Are cold sores a sign of AIDS?

Cold sores are caused by the herpes virus, not by the HIV virus.

Is a cold shoulder a non living thing?

Yes, it is a figure of speech. Like if someone gives you the cold shoulder they are ignoring you.