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Yes of course it can and probably will only difference is, its more than likely it will not hit earth, as we have a slight advantage over the dinosaurs our "Intelligence". They would lauch a stream of nukes and evicerate the comet well outside earths orbit to prevent any fragments hitting us, most of the smallish ones would burn up and break apart when entering our atmosphere.

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Q: Can a comet that wiped out the dinosaurs happen again?
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What is the name of the comet that wiped out dinosaurs?

Scientists usually refer to this as an asteroid, not a comet. It's the asteroid that caused the Chicxulub crater.

Why are there no dinosaurs left?

Technically there are dinosaurs still around. Most paleontologists now classify birds as dinosaurs. Other than that, the dinosaurs are believed to have been wiped out by an asteroid or comet impact 65.5 million years ago.

Will the meteor that wiped out the dinosaurs wipe humans out if it strikes again?

It cannot strike again. It destroyed itself

Why don't dinosaurs existed?

They did exist, between around 225-65 million years ago, and were wiped out by the last Mass Extinction Event (summised to be a comet impact).

How did dinosaurs were wiped out?

A meteor shower.

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It was something you did.

When did dinosaurs last appear?

Dinosaurs last appeared around 65 million years ago. They are thought to have been wiped out by a giant comet hitting the Earth somewhere around the gulf of New Mexico.

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It's that we all evolved from some sort of bacteria, but heres the question you mean. What did we evolve from when the Dinosaurs got wiped out? did we start again?

How did life start after asteroid hit earth and wiped out dinosaurs?

Life did not start after the dinosaurs were wiped out. Life on Earth started billions of years before that. The asteroid wiped out a large portion of life on earth, but not all of it. Some things survived.

What living things happen in the Cretaceous period Did turtles and crocodiles become extinct .?

No, turtles,crocodiles, snakes and some plants survived the extinction event that wiped out the dinosaurs.

Did the dinosaurs get wiped out by an asteroid?

No somebody had a massive dump and it killed them all

Does an asteroid contribute to extinction?

I believe it does. Scientists think that an asteroid wiped out the dinosaurs.