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The previous answer is inaccurate and misguiding. A felon is not allowed to own or posses a firearm under the 1968 gun control act; however, under the provisions of this law, a weapon that was manufactured on or before 1898 or a reproduction of this weapon, as long as it does not chamber a centerfire or rimfire cartridge (aka blackpowder) is not classified as a "firearm" and can be legally obtained by a person covicted of a felony. There are many state and local laws concerening this also, so check into it extensively before you obtain the weapon.

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He can possess it, but if it is found not only in his possession, but in close proximity to him regardless of his ability to gain physical access to it, he can and will be charged with felony firearm. This is punishable federally by up to fifteen years for the gun, and fifteen years for each round of ammunition. Felons are prohibited from possession of any device that uses a chemical propellant to discharge a projectile.

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11y ago

Was on the phone with SCATF just last friday and he said muzzleloaders and bows were currently legal for felons to hunt with but not rifles or handguns that use cartridges. With Joe Biden trying to keep everyone but the taxpayers safe, that law may change soon enough. Most states are not as forgiving as South Carolina so check your own payphone, of course!

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Q: Can a convicted felon posses a blackpowder weapon?
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You will need a lawyer for a legal, current and correct answer.

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NC DOJ (attorney general's office) says that a convicted felon shall not posses a handgun (any kind of pistol), weapon of mass destruction, or a rifle with a barrel length less than 26 inches.

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The question doesn't state whether the convicted felon lives there or not. If he lives there the answer is definitely NO, she cannot. The courts have ruled that even being in the same residence as the firearm places the convicted felon in "concurrent possession" of the weapon, and could trigger his arrest and charges of firearm possession.

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A hunting license, yes. But NOT a firearm or black powder weapon.

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