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Cops hide to give out tickets and so the town collects money.

How many tickets would they write if they were sitting in plain view?

I thought cops were supposed to serve and protect.....LOL yeah, right.

Cops think they can do whatever they want and get away with it...and they can IF we citizens let them. Stand up for what is lawful and moral. They are too many rogue arrogant cops doing getting away with evil acts.

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Yes. The radar gun is more complex than a stationary gun, but is just as accurate when properly tested and used.

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Q: Can a cop hide and use radar?
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How do you use the Poke Radar in a sandstorm?

You cant

Where can you get a duskull in Pokemon pearl?

Route 224 You need to use the pokeradar Theres a 2% chance of finding one

Do police know if you are using a radar detector?

AnswerAll modern radar detectors use a local oscillator (LO). The local oscillator is part of the radar detector's superheterodyne circuitry which greatly boosts the radar detector's performance. Radio (actually microwave) emissions from a radar detector's local oscillator are readily detected by various types of radar detector detectors (RDDs) such as VG-2 and the Spectre. Spectre RDDs are in widespread use throughout the state of Virginia where radar detector usage is illegal. Although radar detectors at present are completely legal to use in all states except VA and Washington DC, the Texas DSP is known to use Spectres to nab unsuspecting motorists who use radar detectors. Several radar detector manufacturers have made strides during the past few years to greatly reduce the LO leakage from their products. This greatly reduces the range at which the Spectre RDD can detect these newer radar detector models. And, at present, there are three specific radar detector models which have virtually zero LO leakage. This makes these three radar detector models completely immune to detection by VG-2, by the Spectre, any other present technology, or any new technology which possibly could be developed during the next 5 years or so.

How do you get a trampinch in Pokemon pearl?

Route 228 (use poke radar).

How do you use the poke radar in platinum?

It doesn't work because it says it charges up every time when you run or walk so do that

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Can radar detectors tell you if a cop car is near you?

Only if he has his radar gun on. Radar detectors are not cop detectors.

Is a cop scanner the same as a radar detector?


What do cops use to see how fast you are going?

They use a radar gun if they want to measure one car at a time, and they use a two-way digital radar if they want to know the speeds of cars in front of where the cop is driving and the car going the other way on the other side of the street.

What you are going to do to go to US?

They use a radar gun if they want to measure one car at a time, and they use a two-way digital radar if they want to know the speeds of cars in front of where the cop is driving and the car going the other way on the other side of the street.

Can a police officer hide while using a radar in Louisiana?

As far as I know it isn't illegal anywhere for a police officer to hide, its not considered entrapment unless you're being tricked into doing something you wouldn't normally do. So yes, they can hide while using radar.

Can police officers hide while using radar in Tennessee?

Uhh Yes .

What is stealth technology?

Stealth technology is a specialized technology that reduces the visibility of an aircraft or military asset to radar, infrared, and other detection methods. It uses design features and materials that absorb or deflect radar waves, making the asset less detectable by enemy sensors. Stealth technology aims to make military assets more difficult to track or target, improving their survivability in combat situations.

How fast is the Yamaha raptor 125?

it will go on a good day 38 i know someone that is a cop and he got me on radar

Name something a motorcycle cop needs to do his job?

motorcycle helmet radar tickets gun siren a cord

How does the frequency of a cars returning radar signal change if the car moves away from the radar source?

The frequency of the radar signal does not change. Be it a cop getting you speed, or a modern car with Brake assist (they use a radar signal to assist keeping a safe distance) it's all timing, how long from the radar source to return to source. If a police car is still, and you are moving away, the increase in return of signal time tells the computer in the officer's car your speed. Even if you are going toward each other, the computer knows the speed of the officer's car and again, signal return time factored in with speed of cop car the computer can give an instant, real-time speed.

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What is a police radar?

A radar that the police use to detect stuff.