

Can a cow moose kill a bear?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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Possibly, but in most cases a bear would get injured than killed if it messed with a cow moose, especially one that has some calves to protect.

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Q: Can a cow moose kill a bear?
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Can a cow moose protecting the young kill an attacking polar bear?

No. The cow moose would only injure it with its hooves.

Can a large cow moose with long sharp hooves kill a polar bear?

It's possible, but not likely since the polar bear lives in a different climatic zone and biome than a moose does.

Can a kodiak bear kill a moose?

Yes, if the kodiak bear avoided the moose's hooves and antlers (if it is a bull moose). Even a grizzly bear or an alaskan brown bear could kill a bull moose, but not when it is on the rut.

Can a moose kill a wolf?

Yes. Bull moose or cow moose can kill a wolf with their hooves or antlers(only for bull moose).

What bear can kill a bull moose?

No bear would dare mess with, let alone kill a bull moose on the rut.

Can a cow moose kill a wolf?

Yes, if the cow moose strikes the wolf with the hooves or knocks the wolf with its head. A cow moose protecting its young from an enemy is more fierce than a bull moose on the rut.

Who would win a fight a cow moose on the rut or an Alaskan brown bear?

A cow moose would do its best to fight off the Alaskan brown bear with all its weapons and defense it gets, like hooves, head, and weight. An Alaskan brown bear has those powerful claws and a large size that can injure a cow moose badly if it got angry enough. However, a cow moose with sharp hooves and a powerful head, might seriously injure an Alaskan brown bear. It really does not depend on the size and health of the Alaskan brown bear. In a fight like this, the cow moose would win, but would get injured.Another opinion:That actually DOES depend on the size, health and age of the bear. A young bear wouldn't have a chance against a raging cow moose, nor would an old and/or weak bear. But a mature adult sow protecting her cubs, or even a roving mature boar bear who's got plenty of fights under his belt? A cow moose should be heading to the hills than taking on a great adult Alaskan brown bear! A bear is more predatory in nature with more defensive weapons at its disposal than a cow moose has: Not only is an Alaskan brown bear more muscular, but it also has powerful, sharp teeth and claws it can use to rip a moose apart and kill it, regardless whether the cow's in heat/on the rut or not. Sure a cow moose has those razor sharp hooves that will slice through the bear's hide, but that won't stop the bear from coming after her with its fangs bared and paws ready to take a swing. One swipe from an Alaskan brown bear's paw is enough to break a moose's neck, and thus make it a meal to feast on.

Can a bull moose kill a bobcat?

Yes. A bull moose could even kill a grizzly bear.

Can a moose defend itself against a bear?

It is possible, but of course this depends on the size, age and sex of the moose and the bear, and the species of the bear. A bull moose has strong, large antlers and long sharp hooves (cows only have their hooves to defend themselves with) that could do serious damage to the bear. Most bears, no matter the species, won't mess with an animal that can fight back, especially a moose. However, a bear like a large grizzly or Alaskan brown bear might be able to injure a moose if it was really angry, or large and fearless enough to put up a good fight against such a raging herbivore. A bear would have to claw and bite it's way out of a fight with a moose, but Lord help them if that moose is an angry bull on the rut with those powerful antlers. But as far as a moose being able to kill a bear, such cases may be rare because often either party would wish to run away to save themselves rather than getting killed.

Can a polar bear kill a moose?

It is highly unlike that a polar bear would even get a chance to kill a moose because these animals live in two entirely different biomes. You would not see a polar bear in the boreal or transition-boreal forests, nor would you find a moose in the arctic near the coastline. For that reason, no a polar bear would not nor could not kill a moose. However, as far as human-ability to be very imaginative, it is likely that a polar bear could kill a moose.

How is the term Cow used for female moose is it moose cow or cow moose?

The proper term is "cow moose," just like the term "bull" in used for male moose as "bull moose."

Can a brown bear kill a mouse?

Yes, and they do prey on moose sometimes.