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Mine is managing to! I am dealing with SKUNK smell for the first time, and what a mess! Couldn't leave the dog where it happened nor wash him there, so he rode home in the trunk fro 20 minutes, and even though I covered everything first and there was an area rug in the well of the trunk, it was so fresh that the car wreaks! Followed the Hydrogen-peroxide/DAWN/Baking Soda hint- made some headway, but where ever he lays his head (luckily the only part hit) it leaves a trace. HATE wasting all the water to keep rewashing all the stuff he touches. Poor baby cant understand why he's been exiled from the bedroom! :(

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Q: Can a dog spread smell of a skunk spray after he was washed?
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What animal uses its smell as a weapone?

Skunks spray smelly musk to repell threats.

How long does skunk spray smell bad?

5 minutes

Can skunk spray in fish pond kill fish?

yes, because of the smell

Can skunk spray blind a dog?

Hi. The reason that a dog's ability to smell is affected when a skunk sprays on it is due to the fact that the smell of the skunk spray is so overpowering that all the dog can smell is that horrid skunk smell. Hope I helped, Miles 'Tails' Prower =]

Does tomato juice work on getting out skunk spray?

no,it is you get used to the tomato juice smell.

What could cause a skunk smell other than a skunk?

In my experience I have seen propane/gas line leaks mask similar to Skunk Spray Smell. Also have seen (smelled?) sewer links sometimes be similar.

Can skunk spray make a person sick?

No, spray does't make people sick. If you are bitten by an unvaccinated skunk, you need to worry about rabies, but rabies cannot be transmitted by spray. However, the smell might make you vomit.

Is skunk spray harmful for pregnant women to smell?

NO. And actually it smells interesting, don't you think?

Why does excretion smell so bad?

Excretions as in skunk spray and things like it? They contain chemicals that give off a terrible smell.

What is the spray called that a skunk uses defend itself with?

Must, as in "a musty smell".

Who would win skunk vs lion?

The lion, no question. Skunk spray would simply make the lion even more determined to kill the skunk.

What skunk's protection?

Skunks use glands located under their tail to spray a foul smelling, eye-watering liquid spray for protection.