

Can a dwarf hamster live alone?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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8y ago

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Syrian hamsters must be kept alone because they are very terotorial and will fight, all other types of hamsters should be kept in pairs.

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8y ago

Of course it can! Mine does. They are very happy alone, and Syrians are naturally solitary.

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Q: Can a dwarf hamster live alone?
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Yes it is more likely that it will enjoy being alone with more space for themselves but if you want a friend for your hamster then it is okay too!!

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Most of the time, i have 2 Chinese dwarf hamsters kept in the same cage and they are fine, Hope This Helps

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If the 1 year old hamster is a syrian hamster DO NOT put another hamster with it. They are hamsters that NEED to be alone. If it is a dwarf, hamster, it might be ok. Dwarf hamsters like having each others company. However, if the 1 year old hamster is not use to other hamsters, it might not go over to well.

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If they are both female yes. Keep all males alone in a cage.

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there is a big difference between them as syrian hamsters are bigger than dwarf hamsters. There is quite a lot of different types of dwarf hamsters such as, Russian winter whites, Chinese, campbells, rovoroski and maybe more. But most dwarf hamsters can live with 1 or more of the same sex and syrians have to live alone - so if your hamster lives alone then its probably a syrian. aslo syrians are about half the size of a guineapig and dwarf hamsters are about half the size of a syrian hamster.

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It Depends On The Hamster Type. If Its A Dwarf Hamster, Its Better If Its Has Another Dwarf Hamster To Play With (make sure they are the same sex or you'll have little hamster babies ;P) If Its A Syrian Hamster It Doesn't Like Company, It Will Fight With The Other Hamster.Hope This Helps xD

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It should be kept alone.

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