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Q: Can a expo marker blow up in the microwave?
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Microwave it

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No, you will blow up the microwave. It will arc.

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Put them in a microwave

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no it will blow up if you do that!!!!!!!!! DONT DO IT!!!

How do you blow up a fruit?

you can blow up an apple by putting it in a microwave. Any other fruit, i don't know. also you can blow up a frog like the apple.

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Dude don't do it it'll blow up the Ipod and destroy the microwave. If you wanna get yourself killed.

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No because it will blow up the bag and break your microwave and you will have to buy a new one. :)

Is freezing a softball better than microwaving one?

yes, because if you microwave it, you might blow it up and break your microwave. freeze it. No one wants a broken microwave!

Can you blowup a phone in the microwave?

You can't exactly blow it up (as in explode) - but you can destroy the circuitry !

Can you put a fork in a microwave?

NO!!! Your microwave would most like ignite into a ball of fire then blow up if you put a metal fork in a microwave!

How do you blow a peanut up?

try to put the peanut in the microwave and put it on on high as it can go and see if that works

What tool would you use to find the volume of an expo marker?

The best way to find a volume of anything(that doesn't dissolve or get damage by water) is by simply filling a graduated cylinder with water(amount doesnt matter)then dipping the object in water and calculating the difference. (FOR EXAMPLE: I can fill a graduated cylinder up to 100 ml. Then i will dip the expo marker in it. And let's say for example that it rises by 50 ml. Then the volume is 50 milliliters.)