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In general, parental rights are terminated either preparatory to an adoption, or after a trial in which it is determined that the parent is unfit. In any case, termination of parental rights does not, in itself, terminate child support.

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Only if this is done legally through the courts.

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Q: Can a Michigan father voluntarily relinquish parental rights if the mother agrees with his choice to do so?
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Will an obligated parent still be responsible for back child support if they voluntarily relinquish their parental rights and the custodial parent agrees to waive the arrearages?

Assuming that the support was paid to the custodial parent and was not through the state's division of child enforcement then the court might waive the debt. Generally a voluntary relinquishment of parental rights is granted to allow the child/children to be eligible for adoption. A TPR is not meant to be a legal venue for a parent to be relieved of the financial obligation to their minor children.

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If the mother agrees, however if the father is known, it would be best to have his cooperation as he would have to voluntarily relinquish his parental rights in order for such an adoption to take place. The court will make every effort to notify the father of the pending adoption including, in most states, publication of the proposed adoption in the newspaper. And even if the father remains clueless and finds out at a later date what happened, again, depending on state law, he may still have the right to petition the court to have the adoption declared null and void if he wishes to reclaim and exercise his parental rights. You need to consult with an attorney specializing in family law in your state of residence, lay out all of the facts and get an informed opinion. There are just too many variables to give a detailed answer on such a complex issue on an internet forum.

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Yes, but that does not relinquish the obligation to pay child support. All it does is relinquish your right to see your child and have any type of decision making power in their lives. If the child is placed for adoption or your ex marries and their spouse adopts you child, your support obligation will end.

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Any parent can give up their parental rights and a lot of them do simply because they believe that once they do, they will not pay child support. This is not the case.... Many states will schedule an investigation in order to find out the reason for giving up parental rights. Also, in many cases, you will still PAY child support even if you have surrendered your rights.

If a father decides to give up his rights to a child does he have to pay child support?

My husband went through the same thing excpet we don't know what his son actually felt. Anyway, once he relinquised his rights he was not financially obligated to pay support or any medical bills that occured after the termination of rights. If Mom agrees to let Dad voluntarily terminate his parental rights, then, no, he won't have to pay child support going forward (but will still have to pay any arrearage unless Mom agrees to forgive it). However, Dad can

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