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Yes, as long as there is sex going on, it doesn't matter what gender the two people having it are - there is still a chance to get an STD.

It depends, STD are all from the exchange of body fluids. So it's possible but it may be very unlikely.

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Q: Can a female get an STD from a female?
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Can a male get a bladder infection if a female has one?

Yes, any STD can be transferred.

If gay people have std and they're gay can they get it?

Depends on what you mean by "it". The germs that cause STDs don't know if you're gay or straight, male or female, so a gay person can get an STD from any sex partner who has an STD. But if you're asking if a gay person with an STD can make another person gay, the answer is No. Being gay isn't a disease.

Can you get std if a female touches her vagina and then touches a penis?

depends upon the std but most likely , yes, almost all can be spread by what is termed "heavy petting" i.e. when genitals touch , this includes fluids from genitalia.

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#include<iostream>int main () { int age, female=0, male=0, fcount=0, mcount=0; char sex; for (int voter=0; voter<10; ++voter) { std::cout << "Enter the voter's age and gender: "; std::cin >> age >> sex; switch (sex) { case 'm': case 'M': ++mcount; male += age; break; case 'f': case 'F': ++fcount; female += age; break; } } std::cout << "Average male age: " << male / mcount << std::endl; std::cout << "Average female age: " << female / fcount << std::endl; }

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jail! seriously, she is underage and he's not. that's a problem (crime!) in itself. but about the std, he must have it himslef so that's bad enough punishment

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Latex condoms (male) Polyurethane condoms (female condom)

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#include<iostream> int main() { std::cout << "sin(1) = " << std::sin(1.0) << std::endl; std::cout << "cos(1) = " << std::cos(1.0) << std::endl; std::cout << "tan(1) = " << std::tan(1.0) << std::endl; std::cout << "asin(1) = " << std::asin(1.0) << std::endl; std::cout << "acos(1) = " << std::acos(1.0) << std::endl; std::cout << "atan(1) = " << std::atan(1.0) << std::endl; } Output: sin(1) = 0.841471 cos(1) = 0.540302 tan(1) = 1.55741 asin(1) = 1.5708 acos(1) = 0 atan(1) = 0.785398

How do you split a string in delimit c plus plus?

#include<iostream> #include<vector> #include<string> std::vector<std::string> parse (const std::string& s, const char delim) { std::vector<std::string> result {}; auto start = 0U; auto end = s.find (delim); while (end != s.npos) { result.push_back (s.substr(start, end - start)); start = ++end; end = s.find (delim, start); } result.push_back (s.substr (start, s.npos - start)); return result; } std::vector<std::string> parse (const std::string& s, const std::string& delim) { std::vector<std::string> result {}; auto start = 0U; auto end = s.find (delim); while (end != s.npos) { result.push_back (s.substr(start, end - start)); start = end + delim.length(); end = s.find (delim, start); } result.push_back (s.substr (start, s.npos - start)); return result; } int main() { std::string str1 = "This is a string that will be parsed by a single-space delimiter."; std::string str2 = "This==is==a==string==that==will==be==parsed==by==equal==operator."; std::string str3 = "This string has no delimiter."; std::cout << str1 << std::endl; std::vector<std::string> v1 = parse (str1, ' '); for (auto i : v1 ) std::cout << i << std::endl; std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << str2 << std::endl; std::vector<std::string> v2 = parse (str2, "=="); for (auto i : v2 ) std::cout << i << std::endl; std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << str3 << std::endl; std::vector<std::string> v3 = parse (str3, '\\'); for (auto i : v3 ) std::cout << i << std::endl; std::cout << std::endl; }

What are some examples of loops in C plus plus?

The following example demonstrates all 4 loop structures in C++. #include<iostream> int main() { int i; std::cout<<"For loop...\n"<<std::endl; for(i=0; i<10; ++i) std::cout<<i; std::cout<<'\n'<<std::endl; std::cout<<"While loop...\n"<<std::endl; i=0; while(i<10) std::cout<<i++; std::cout<<'\n'<<std::endl; std::cout<<"Do-while loop...\n"<<std::endl; i=0; do { std::cout<<i; }while( ++i<10 ); std::cout<<'\n'<<std::endl; std::cout<<"Goto loop...\n"<<std::endl; i=0; again: std::cout<<i; if(++i<10) goto again; std::cout<<'\n'<<std::endl; } Output: For loop... 0123456789 While loop... 0123456789 Do-while loop... 0123456789 Goto loop... 0123456789

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There's not enough information to fully answer the question. However, when dealing with ages, you're either looking for those above or below a certain age, or determining which range of ages an object/person belongs. The following snippet determines if an object represents a minor or a person of working age. Those who have reached retirement age aren't necessarily retired. std::cout<<<<' '; if(object.age<16) std::cout<<"is a minor."<<std::endl; else if((object.age>60 && object.age>65) std::cout<<"is probably retired."<<std::endl; else std::cout<<"is of working age."<<std::endl;

Is mumps an std?

Mumps is not a STD.

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Haemophilus is not a STD.