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Q: Can a force of 700 newtons cause much damage?
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How much force is 7500 newtons?

The Force is 7500N, as you stated.....

How much newtons of force does an elephant apply when it steps?


What does a force meter measure?

it measures how much force is needed to to move it

How much force does it take to an egg?

25 newtons or 6 lbs

How much force is needed to push a force of 100 newtons back?

Also 100 newtons. Actually, that would only hold it in place - to push it back, you would need slightly more than 100 newtons.

How much is 300Newtons in mass?

Mass isn't measured in newtons. Force is. 300 newtons is the same as a force of about 67.5 pounds. It's the weight of about 30.6 kilograms of mass on earth.

How much force is needed to accelerate a 1700-kilogram truck 3mss?


How much force does it take to brake an egg?

25 newtons or 6 lbs

How much force is needed to lift a 400 g mass is?

0.4 Newtons

Are newtons weight?

Newtons are the force one object exerts on another. The weight you see on a bathroom scale is how much the scale pushes back, which equals the Newtonian force. However, mass and Newtons are different but related. Newtons is the gravitational pull multiplied by the mass. The basic equation is: (mass in grams)(9.8)=Force in Newtons 9.8 is the gravitational pull on every object on Earth.

How much Newtons of force does the sun have?

The force exerted by the sun on any object depends on the mass of that object so there is no simple answer. The sun's force of a planet like Jupiter will be several orders of magnitude greater than the force exerted on an electron, for example.

What if an objects weighs 135 newtons how much is the buoyant force to make a neutral buoyancy?

The buoyant force is 135N