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Yes. The reason this works is because the index of refraction varies depending on the frequency (or wavelength) of the light.

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Q: Can a glass prism separate white into different colors?
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If a glass prism were placed in a medium such as water would it separate light into different colors?

Yes it would because if the glass was clear the prism would reflect off of the light and go right through the glass.

What white light separate into different colors?

A prism

What did newton use to separate white light into spectrum of colors?

Newton Discovered that White light comprised of the entire spectrum of the visible wave length. When white light was shone through a triangular prism, it refracted the entire color spectrum.

How does the prism separate white light into colors?

It is due to the differing frequencies of colors of light. The different frequencies of light actually travel at different speeds,through a medium such as glass. When the light enters glass at an angle, the different speeds of each frequency cause the light to bend. Each color exits the glass at their own unique angle and separate.

What device is used to separate the white light to different colors?

A prism.

Why is a prism able to separate the colors of white light?

A clear glass prism (and rain drops in the sky on a sunny day) are able to separate white light into the colours of the rainbow. The basic reason is that white light is reflected at different angles because of the different wavelengths.

A block of glass that can split white light into different colors?

That is called a prism.

What happens when white light passes through a prism?

The light is broken into its seven colors (colors of the rainbow) and exits the prism at a different angle with the separated colors. It functions in the exact same way water droplets separate light to create an actual rainbow, but with cut glass instead of water.

What spreads light into its own indiviual colors?

A prism spreads light into different colors (a rainbow). A prism is made out of mainly glass or plastic. Metallic Thunder

Why is light broken into different colors when it passes through a prism?

Refraction. White light is a mix of colors in the first place; these colors have different indices of refraction. That is, when moving from air to glass, as in a prism, they will bend at slightly different angles.

How does a prism works to separate the colors in white light?

White light has all visible frequencies incorporated in it. A prism refracts different frequencies at different angles so the different frequencies (colors) spread out.