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Rabbits and guinea pigs should not be housed together and here are the following reasons why:

  • Rabbits are a lot stronger than guinea pigs, they can easily hurt/kill a guinea pig without meaning to, simply by kicking out with their back legs. Also rabbits do tend to bully guinea pigs.
  • They also have differing dietary requirements, so unless you intend to feed them separately you will be neglecting one pet's needs: Guinea pigs need additional Vitamin C in their diets or they can become sick. But rabbits don't, and too much vitamin C can make a rabbit ill.
  • This is the most important reason. Rabbits carry bordatella, a disease which is fatal to guinea pigs.

Even if they do get along, you are still putting the guinea pigs life at risk. Bordatella isn't something you can vaccinate against either. They really must be kept apart.

If you want a friend for a rabbit you should keep a neutered male and female together, this pairing has the least risk of fighting. If you do have a same sex pair, then it is still recommended that you have both neutered as sooner or later their hormones can caused territorial behaviour (for example fighting).
It's best if Rabbits and Guinea pigs are kept in separate cages. Since they're

different animals, they can give each other diseases if they come in contact

with each other for a certain period of time. It's okay to have both animals

as pets, but they shouldn't be housed together.

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12y ago
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12y ago

Guineapigs and Rabbits should not be kept in the same hutch or cage for a number of reasons. The main ones are:

They have different dietry needs. You should not be feeding a Rabbit and a Guinea the same diet as one of them will end up missing out on something they need and a veg that may be fanstastic for one can cause problems in the other.

Rabbits have very powerful legs and can easily damage your soft bodied Guineapig. Loads of people may tell you how theirs live together and neither got hurt but if you really love your pet why would you risk being the % that do have a Guinea kicked and killed by its Bunny friend.

They are different species of animals. They might be friends and cuddle up but a Guinea will never be another Rabbit and vice-versa. Each animal would ultimately be happier with their own kind.

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16y ago

It doesn't matter what gender they are, rabbits and ginea pigs are not meant to be together in the same cage, rabbits are much lager and a little more aggresive, or its the pigs, they will bite anything

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11y ago

Well some can be firends but some maybe aggressive e.g boy and boy maybe will be aggressive and may fight but its unsual because some times they will hump for some reasons,but girl and girl have a little chance to be aggressive.

It is usually better to keep rabbits and guinea pigs separate in different cages/hutches because the rabbit is bigger than a guinea pig and they often don't know how strong they are when they kick. This can lead to injuries to the guinea pig and sometimes they will have difficulty getting into the food bowl if there is a bigger rabbit blocking their way.

Hope this helped x

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13y ago

Well I use to always keep my guinea pig with my rabbit but i noticed that my guinea pig pulls fur off the rabbits and eats it so u better not put them together, they do really look cute together though!

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13y ago

Yes and no, but you have to get them TOGETHER andWHEN THEY ARE BABIES!!!! This way the Rabbit and Guinea pig are brought up together, or the rabbit can kick the guinea pig or do other things to it which can really injure the guinea pig. Ask a specialist at the pet store, they can help you as well, it also depends on the personality of the pig and rabbit, so if you get them together, watch their behavior and make sure they get along. IF they don't I would consider keeping them in separate cages and not putting them together depending how harsh it is, or giving one of them away to a friend or rescue center. Also some pet stores take in pets for adoption from people to buy as well, I saw a rabbit at Petco the other day there because the owners were miss treating it, so a lady rescued him. ~How sweet ~

PS: I have read it in pet books but it is true a rabbit has a terribly hard kick and can seriously injure a piggy or kill it, so be very careful if you do this ;-) I WOULD MOST DEFIANTLY ASK A PET STORE SPECIALIST!! or someone else that is good with animals like a vet, or a friend who has had these to animals together, etc.

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12y ago

Rabits and guinea pigs usually get along fine. Introduce both animals with caution, however. Well-fed cats shouldn't present a problem, either, but again be cautious and give both animals enough time to "sniff each other out"; interfere immediately when anything appears to go wrong.

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12y ago

no definitely not they are both dominant animals and can prove to be aggresive and territorial

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14y ago

definitely not

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Q: Can a guinea pig live with a rabbit in same cage?
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Do they have to be the same sex the rabbit and the guinea pig to put in same cage?

Yes, if they are neutered. Some people do this and the animals groom one another.

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No its not, i guinea pigs cage is way bigger. & you should not have the same size of guinea pig cage as your hampster.

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No, these animals should not live in the same confined space. this could cause harm to either the guinea pig or the hampster.

Can a Female Rabbit and a Male Guinnea pig live in the same cage?

No, guinea pigs and rabbits should never be housed together. A rabbit has very strong hind legs and can seriously injure a guinea pig, even if it's just being playful. They don't have the same diet requirements. Rabbits are often carriers of bacteria (even if they are healthy themselves) that can kill guinea pigs.

Is a guinea pig cage the same size as a rabbit cage?

No I would get a slightly smaller cage than a rabbit cage guinea pigs are a little bit smaller than rabbits so they don't needquite as much space. Also take into consideration that rabbits have paws and guinea pigs have instead very sensitive feet so it is not advisable to put a guinea pig in a cage designed for rabbits. This is because rabbit cages often have a wire bottom which makes cleaning a lot easier, however a wire bottom will definitely hurt the guinea pigs feet- sometimes to the point in which they have to see a vet for treatment.

Can a guinea pig and rabbit live togeather?

yes if there the same sex but f one becomes pregnant you must separate them because the rabbit will kill a Guinea pig

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Can a female guinea pig be in the same cage with a female dwarf rabbit?

Lots of people say rabbits can be kept in the same cage as guinea pigs but it's very dangerous and should never happen. Even if your rabbit is friendly or just a bunny the guinea pig will get bullied. This will also lead to lack of the space and the guinea pig may be stepped on or crowded in the cage. Rabbits need a bigger cage, a bigger run and different medicine and vaccinations which affects the guinea pigs well being. If you are looking for a partner for your piggy try another lonely female or a neutered male. But guinea pigs should always be kept with another guinea pig and no rabbits!

What animals do you find in the same habitat as guinea pigs?

You can put rabbits and guinea pigs together. But I think that's all