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If it eats iceburg lettuce you have an issue. They cannot eat that type of lettuce, It WILL give them wet-tail. A sickness that is VERY hard to get rid of. It can and will most likely kill our hamster. If they are still alive at this point you need to go to the nearest pet store and ask their advise. Good luck

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15y ago
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6y ago

My piggies eat it, but I tend to give them lettuces with more nutritional value like romaine, radiccio and baby butter lettuces. They also get fresh spinach leaves a couple of times a week. A morning breakfast usually includes a lettuce (or mix), tomato slices, bell pepper slices, and cucumber. In the summer they get all kinds of fresh greens and heirloom veggies from the Farmer's Market. Starting in the spring, they get to go outside and eat all the fresh grass and clover that they want. We lay outside with them and soak up some sun. As it gets warmer, we make sure they dine under a shady tree! And we are sure that the grasses have not been sprayed with any chemicals. They also get the best pellets made by Oxboy Hay (Cavey Cuisine) and Oxboys dried hays. As of this writting, Ginny is 5 years old and Fred passed away this month. He was adopted from a shelter but we are sure he was 6-7 years old. Check out this place, they really helped me set up housing for piggies and answered all kinds of questions: http:/ I went to the vets 1 week ago and my vet dr goth said iceburg lettuce is bad for piggies so get other lettuce and before you feed it to piggies thoroughly wash it with fresh water. Luke Sellers 3.8.09

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12y ago

yes,actually it can.a hamsters stomach can only fit so much in it that if it eats too much the stomach wont be able to digest fast enough. also too much vegetables are bad for a hamsters digestive system.too much veggies can make it hard for a hamster to "go".veggies can block the rear end hole of the hamster causing the hamster to get sick and die of constipation.(i don't know how dieing of constipation is possible but for hamsters i guess it is)

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15y ago

no 1.if they store it it will go mouldy! 2.and it can give them diahroia xxx

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14y ago

Depending on how much you give it, nothing or it could get wet tail.

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Q: What happens to a hamster if it eats iceberge lettuce?
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when your hamster eats to much it could not actually be eating the food it could be hiding it somewhere in the cage but if your hamster is eating to much you should try removing the food bowl for a day or two but nothing happens when your hamster eats to much it just gets chubby.

Can you give hamsters lettuce?

yes hamsters can eat icberg lettuce. it may not completely fill their little tummy but it will give them something to snack on. I've been feeding it to my hamster and she was fine. You could give it some iceberg lettuce but not too much.

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hmmm . . . . . . let me see the answer is : SO INCEDIBLY RANDOM! Made by CRAZY GIRL :)

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Nothing, it contains nutrients that the hamster didn't get the first time around. By eating it they are just getting the nutrients again.

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I imagine it could have some major digestive problems which could kill it... A lot of things can kill a hamster. Hamsters die from a stiff breeze.

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What does lettuce eat?

lettuce eats water, sunlight, and soil/fertilizer.