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It can be. But it could also just be that, a bad long lasting headache due to perhaps stress. If it persists see your doctor. Get him/her to do a blood test for a possible pregnancy. Pregnancy headaches can start as early as 7-10 dpo as the hcg level begins to rise.

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Q: Can a headache that has lasted 3 or 4 days be an early sign of pregnancy if it's only been 9 days since possible conception?
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It's possible. I experienced it 4 days after conception, and lasted 5 days very light.

Headache early pregnancy?

Some women start as early as the fertilized egg attaches itself to the uterus wall. And that can be anywhere between 7-10 dpo. So as soon as the hcg level begins to rise. Answer If you are getting headaches you should see a doctor. They are not a symptom of pregnancy. I am another poster adding a comment to this last answer. Although headaches are not the best symptom it can happen. I started having headaches two weeks after conception and they lasted on and off for about two weeks. My headaches were the reason I took a pregnancy test and it came out postive. Headaches were my first symptom. But to be sure... contact your doctor!

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It is possible, but not likely. Lots of things can delay/change your period. If you are worried, get a home pregnancy test from the drugstore. They are on the open shelves and you do not need a prescription.

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Yes that is all signs of pregnancy. Wait a week and do a pregnancy test or see your doctor for a quantitative pregnancy blood test.

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It could be or a sign of a UTI. See your doctor for a SWAB test.

Can you be pregnant if your period was dark brown and it was late for a month and it lasted 3 days?

Oh man. Just take a pregnancy test.

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I had an eptopic pregnancy last year! I did not know that I was pregnant because the results came back negative. I started what I thought was my period and it lasted about 7 days and then the pains started in. That is when I found out it was an eptopic pregnancy from an ultrasound.

Two day period pregnancy?

If you mean a period that only lasted two days, then it is possible. Some people experience bleeding during implantation, which they think is lighter (shorter) than normal menstrual bleeding. I'd take a home pregnancy test just to be sure!

Can you be pregnant if you were 18 days late then started bleeding lightly after sex which only lasted a few hours then went away With no clots Periods 3 weeks and 3 days late?

Yes. You should take a home pregnancy test and/or see a Dr as soon as possible.

I think I'm pregnant. But my period came a week late and it only lasted three days it was short and light and real dark. I've had pregnancy symptoms such as nauseabackpainand lower abdominal pains.?

take a pregnancy test