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Q: Can a hematoma and swelling cause problems for the cheek lift paciant?
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What are the symptoms of spinal epidural hematoma?

Head swelling, asperation,as well as sudden urge to quit playing (for children),

Does ear hematoma spread from cat to cat?

No, but the cause of a hematoma can spread from cat to cat depending on what that cause is.

Can dehydration cause subdural hematoma?


Can wisdom teeth cause problems like persistent pressure in the head and ear problems like fullness and crackling when swallowing?

Yes, if the tooth is infected it can cause swelling in the jaw joint, it can also cause the same swelling if the tooth keeps extending and rectracting

What is a canine aural hematoma?

An aural, or ear, hematoma is a swelling in the earflap resulting from an injury. When the tiny blood vessels in the ear's cartilage rupture and bleed, the hematoma - a firm, fluid - filled swelling - will appear within the dog's ear. The examining veterinarian will be able to treat this hematoma by any of several procedures that drain the fluid. Minor surgery may be required. An aural (ear) hematoma is a collection of blood, serum, or a clotted blood within the pinna (earflap). When present, the pinna will be very thick. The swelling may involve the entire pinna or it may involve only one area. The earflap is composed of a two layers of skin surrounding a layer of cartilage. The cartilage gives the earflap its shape. Blood vessels go from side-to-side by passing through the cartilage. Violent shaking can cause the vessels to break as the skin slides across the cartilage; however, in some cases, the cause remains undetermined.

Can kidney problems cause swelling in feet and ankles?

YES. If the kidneys are not functioning properly you will get water retention causing swelling of feet and ankles.

Can cutting toenails cause subungal hematoma?

Generally not. A subungal hematoma is a bruise. It is usually caused by hitting the toe.

Could Tylenol cause facial swelling?

Tylenol is one of the most used pain relievers in the United States. It can solve face swelling because of relieving nerve problems. Typically, it will not cause face swelling unless the patient is allergic to it.

What cause hematoma when drawing blood?

when you hit the blood vein

Why does lithium cause sinus problems?

because it probably has alot of pollen,and pollen is usually the main cause of of sinuse swelling and other issues.

What cause a hematoma?

A hematoma is caused by a break in the wall of a blood vessel. The break may be spontaneous, as in the case of an aneurysm, or caused by trauma. In the case of a minor or major blow to the effected part of the brain may lead to sudden death, other located hematoma's that receive minor or major blows may cause some severe complications in the area of which it is in. The word "hematoma" came into usage around 1850. It was devised from Greek roots -- hemat-, referring to the blood + -oma, from soma meaning body = a bloody body, or a collection of blood. The many different kinds of hematomas are defined by location and include: * epidural hematoma, * extradural hematoma, * intracerebral hematoma, * intracranial hematoma, * nasal septum hematoma, * subcutaneous hematoma, * subdural hematoma. Common Misspellings: haematoma

How to bring the swelling down in my mouth?

The best way to bring down swelling in your mouth is to see a doctor to determine the cause and treatment. If left untreated, it could lead to breathing problems.