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Probably not, although you should go to the doctor!!! The most common hernia is called an inguinal hernia which is located in your groin region. This is an area of abdominal wall weakness, that is why it is susceptible to hernias.

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That does not sound like the usual symptoms of a hernia. Usually they are in the front of the body on the torso, not on the back. If it hurts all the time, no matter if you move or hold still, it may be your kidneys or appendix. If it hurts more when you move it may be your muscles. If it lasts more than three days, or is accompanied by other signs and symptoms like sharp pain, urgency to urinate, or fever, then go see a doctor.

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Which condition occurs when part of the intestine pushes into scrotum?

Inguinal hernia

What is involved in hernia repair surgery?

Hernias occur when a weakness in the wall of the abdomen allows an organ, usually the intestines, to bulge out of place. Hernias may result from a genetic predisposition toward this weakness. They can also be the result of weakening the muscle.

What are the symptoms of a hiatil hernia?

Unlike a sports hernia, a hiatal hernia affects the core, often in the diaphragm or the abdomen directly. In many cases, there are actually no symptoms for this type of hernia. That said, others may have heartburn related to gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD. Surgery is often needed because the hernia can become restricted and blood supply to that affected area can be restricted or cut off entirely.

How is a hiatal hernia repair done?

An incision is made in the groin area. The tissues are separated from the hernia sac, and the intestines are returned to the abdomen. The area is often reinforced with webbing before it is sewn shut. The skin is closed with sutures or.

What are the Symptoms of an abdominal hernia?

The first signs of Abdominal Hernia occur with a bulge often represented with swelling on the abdomen area where the hernia would possibly occur. In some cases the hernia in abdomen would be unrecognizable and at times could be asymptomatic. During daily activities such as lifting, coughing, exercise and other movements the abdomen would get a lot of pressure which would result in the contents pushed to the gap of the abdominal cavity which increase the size of the bulge. Impotence in males is also common with abdominal gernia and in females, painful intercourse is seen as a symptom of abdominal hernia. This will result in inflammation in the bulge area.

What causes capillaries to burst on abdomen?

High blood pressure or diabetes can cause capillaries to burst in the abdomen. Trauma to the area can also cause this.

What can happened if you have a hernia beside your ball sack?

This is likely an inguinal hernia - one that follows a small canal made by the testes descending into the scrotum during development. If you have a hernia it will most likely hurt like crazy - the worst case scenario is called strangulation - where the hernia pushing through cuts off its own blood supply and the tissue begins to die. Hernias are mainly composed of small intestinal tissue and if this begins to die it could have serious consequences. The surgical treatment for a hernia is now a very simple, routine operation. The muscle it is pushing through is cut, the hernia placed back inside the abdomen and a small piece of strong mesh is sewn into the area under the skin. This mesh reinforces the area the hernia pushed through and stops it happening again. If you have a hernia you should see a doctor - they see tons of them so there's nothing to worry about!

Area below chest containing digestive organs?

That part is called as abdomen. You have various organs in the abdomen. You have digestive system as well as excretory system in the abdomen. Few other organs like spleen and adrenal glands are also there in your abdomen.

How is an incisional hernia repair done?

Incisional hernias occur most frequently at the site of a scar from earlier abdominal surgery. Once again, the abdomen is opened and the intestines returned to their proper place. The area is reinforced with mesh, and the abdominal wall is.

What is Hernia?

A hernia occurs when the inside layers of the abdominal wall have weakened, resulting in a bulge or tear. In the same way that an inner tube pushes through a damaged tire, the inner lining of the abdomen pushes through the weakened area of the abdominal wall to form a balloon-like sac. This can allow a loop of intestine or abdominal tissue to push into the tear. In some patients, the hernia can cause discomfort, pain, or other potentially serious problems that require emergency surgery. Dr Saurabh Kate is one of the best hernia specialist in sangamner.

Why do doctors feel your testicles?

The reason that a doctor performs this examination is to check for a Varicocele. A Varicocele is a swollen varicose vein that may be in the scrotum and is usually on the left side. The physician checks for a hernia, which is when a portion of the intestine decends into the pubic area, and possibly into the testes. When you cough, your abdomen expands/contracts, therefore moving the intestine if it has descended. The doctor can feel this, and determine whether or not you have a hernia. This question has been answered by a healthcare professional, not an M.D.

What does a hernia feel like?

externally just a lump on the skin, no swelling or bruising and it can often be identified when you cough as the bump rises A hernia occurs when a loop of the intestine slips through the musculature in the stomach. The only way to see an actual hernia is during surgery to correct it. On the outside, the only thing that can be seen is sometimes a bump or lump looking area on the abdomen. During surgery though, a loop of intestine can actually be seen protruding in the stomach muscles.