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Inspectors are usually licensed in the city or state where they live and their authority only applies within their licensing state or city

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Q: Can a home inspector cross state lines?
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What states in NC what happens if a home inspector is negligent?

If a home inspector has been negligent, contact the state. They can direct you to the proper procedures for filing a complaint.

What would happen if a minor ran away to a different state and stayed with an adult?

The minor will be returned home and the adult will be facing federal charges for taking them in (because once you cross state lines, it becomes a federal issue).

Can you make a home inspector financially responsible for not reporting home defects to the home buyer?

Technically speaking, this would need to be done with a lawsuit. In order to prevail, the inspector would have to be proven to be negligent in his duties. Much also depends on the Standard of Practice the inspector follows, any state licensing parameters, and the inspection contract which frames the inspection engagement.

How can I become a certified home inspector in the Nashville, TN area?

The American Home Inspectors Training Institute can help you find training in your area. You can also phone 800-441-9411. Each state has different requirements for home inspector licenses.

What Item does not have to be inspected by a home inspector?

Usualy home inspector does not operate appliance. Home inspector have some limitations such as not tested for A/C if temperature below 14c and heating on at time of inspection.

Should a home inspector have an undisclosed financial interest in the home that is being inspected?

A home inspector should never have an undisclosed financial interest in the home that is being inspected. This might cause the inspector to be less impartial in her or her duties.

what are the requirements to be home inspector in ca.?

All you need to do, is take an exam at your local office to becoem a home inspector.

Can the parents of a 17-year-old keep them from moving from the family home in Texas and returning to Louisiana?

Yes, they can. The age of majority in both TX and LA is 18, and once you cross state lines, you're making matters much worse. * Any minor crossing state lines without parental permission is in violation of federal law 18 U.S.C. 2243 and 18 U.S.C. 2423, and may be taken into custody by authorities and remanded to the juvenile authorities of the home state.

How do I get certified to become a City Building Inspector in the State of Texas.?

International Association of Certified Home Inspectors is a good place to start

Is it legan for a girl to leave home at age 17 without parental consent in Louisiana?

Unless you are legally an emancipated minor, they still can legally control where you live. If anyone helps you to cross state lines, it's a felony- just a heads up.

We are in the process of buying a home. The seller has refused to allow the home inspector of our choice to do the inspection. Do they have the right to refuse our choice of home inspector?

The choice of what home inspector to use for your home purchase is entirely up to you, the buyer. It is unusual for the seller to have knowledge of who the selected home inspector is, so I'm not sure who may have disclosed your selection of home inspector to the seller. Questions I would ask as buyer might include asking the seller if they possibly have had dealings with this home inspector in the past. Do they personally know him, and feel his recommendations may be biased? I would also recommend having a talk with your real estate professional and ask if they happened to disclose this information to the seller or seller's agent during conversations with them. Word to the wise - do your own research and select a home inspector that is independent from your agent.

To keep from losing a lawsuit a home inspector should?

... learn to communicate clearly and concisely with the Client. The inspector must have a fair home inspection agreement which indicates in relatively unsophisticated terms which Standard of Practice the inspector follows, including what is included and specifically excluded from the inspection. The inspector needs to drive home the fact that he/she does not have x-ray eyes or a crystal ball. The inspector needs to be careful what he/she claims in their marketing materials. Above all, the inspector needs to perform a good home inspection.Joe Farsettahttp:/www.inspectionarbitrationservice.comhttp:/