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Q: Can a human get a sheep pregnant i heard that they can get pregnant by a human but the pregnancy teminates atomatically.?
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Is Peyton Sawyer pregnant?

I heard from a source that is true that Peyton is for sure pregnant but she will have complications with her pregnancy that is why she was so upset.

How did women know they were pregnant before pregnancy tests?

I've heard that it is just a "gut feeling", no pun intended!

Can stress cause a negative pregnancy test result?

yeah. it can. i actually heard a few times that if you thinkk that you are pregnant then your body will act as if you are pregnant

What herbs should avoid while pregnant?

== == You need to research any herbs thoroughly while pregnant, their are many that need to be avoided in pregnancy. I have heard Beetroot and Hummus. Also don't overdo Vitamin A or C.

Is hcg 2 means you are pregnant?

Anything below a 5 is considered not pregnant You're pregnant, if your referring to the pregnancy test. I've heard that anything 5 and below is negative. You may want to ask your doctor your pregnant

Can your feet explode while your pregnant?

Have you ever heard of a woman who's feet exploded due to pregnancy? Of course they can't. A woman's body is made for this.

What herbs should you avoid while pregnant?

== == You need to research any herbs thoroughly while pregnant, their are many that need to be avoided in pregnancy. I have heard Beetroot and Hummus. Also don't overdo Vitamin A or C.

Do women with phantom pregnancy test positive on home pregnancy tests?

I have heard both yes and no for this however if you do research into it, its very possible for the test to come back positive because your mind tricks your body into believing its pregnant so the hormone levels will show signs of pregnancy

How do you know for certain that you are pregnant without using a pregnancy test?

If the baby's heartbeat can be heard, (around 8 weeks with a doppler) or if fetal movements can be seen. 24 weeks. A scan can also confirm pregnancy from about the time of a missed period.

What should you expect at 28 weeks of pregnancy?

The mother should now look pregnant, she can feel the baby moving inside her and the baby's heart should be heard beating.

Could i be pregnant if i missed a few pills and have had breakthrough bleeding.. would i have breakthrough bleeding if i was pregnant i heard you dont bleed if pregnant while on the pill?

Yes, some women do bleed some even when they are pregnant. See a doctor and get a reliable pregnancy test because if you are pregnant, continuing to take birth control pills could cause complications.

Is Jennifer nettle pregnant?

I heard she was pregnant when she started duets,but she miscarried. I also heard her and her husband took it hard.