

Can a human give a kitten pink eye?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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yeah ive done it!

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Q: Can a human give a kitten pink eye?
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Can you use human eye drops on a kitten?

No. Never use human medication on a cat, especially a kitten. Human medication can be incredibly harmful to the kitten, often as the dosage, while harmless to a person, is much too much for a kitten and is often dangerous. If you feel you kitten needs treatment, take it to the vet who can prescribe medicine that is safe for the kitten.

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What is the reservoir of pink eye?

Infected human

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Only if the balls are encrusted in pink eye crust, or if you have pink eye already.

Can I use human eye drops on my dog to fight pink eye?

You need to ask your vet. Some human medicines cannot be used on dogs.

Can something fly into your eye in the back of a convertible that could cause pink eye?

Pink eye is a virus so sitting in the back of a convertible won't give it to you. Coming in contact with a person who has it will give it to you. You may have gotten dust or a bug in the eye in a convertible that caused an infection.

what should I do for a cat who has an eye infection that comes and goes?

give it eye drops like the ones used for pink eye

How many poo particles are in a fart?

Enough to give you pink eye.

Can you get pink eye from hugging someone?

No your eye does not have to be pink or red to have pink eye. Pink eye is when your eye itches really bad, and when you keep your eye closed for a long period of time, it gets crusted shut (disgusting..). Well theres your answer, hope you don't have pink eye! Its not a fun thing to have, and don't itch it, that will only make it worse! Go to the doctors and they may give you something to treat the itching until the pink eye goes's been proven you cannot give yourself pink eye.

Is Carnation milk good for pink eye?

Carnation milk is not recommended for pink eye. Fresh human breast milk is said to work. The probiotics of yogurt is said to work.

Can humans get pink eye from a dog licking its butt then your eye?

This would depend on the cause. If both the dog and human are allergic to a particular pollen or mold and were both exposed, they could both develop "pink eye" even though one did not give it to the other. If the dog has bacterial pink eye, it is possible for the bacteria to be transferred to a human and cause pink eye in that person as well. However, if the cause is viral, traumatic, foreign body or cancer, humans would not be at risk for zoonotic infection from the dog.

What medicine should you give your cat to cure pink eye?

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