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Why yes, yes it can. I done sawed it with my own peepers

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Q: Can a humpack whale swallow a man?
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Why are humpack whale endangered?

they were over hunted

How many cells does a humpback whale have?

A humpack whale has about 125 trillion cells in its body.

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What is bigger a humpack whale or a sperm whale?

Humpback. It is the third largest whale, after the fine whale and blue whale.

Can a blue whale swallow a grapefruit?

Yes, this is the largest thing a blue whale can swallow. It's throat is almost exactly the same diameter as its belly button, which is about the size of a salad plate

Can a whale swallow a ship?

No a modern cruise ship is too big.

What is the percent of humpack whales?

There's no percentage of humpback whales, unless you're asking the percentage in comparison with all the other whale species. But I can tell you that the approximate number of humpback whales still alive is near 80,000.

Do people eat diatoms?

krill, fish and humpack

Is the humpack whale the 5 largest whale?

No, the humpback is the fifth largest. Largest is the blue at 90 plus, finback is next to 82', right whale to 60' and sperm to 60' approximately. This information may change soon online as there is a large female seen in Hawaiian waters who is 63 feet long. She is approximately 40 years old.

What do humpack whales eat?

Humpback Whales eat mostly baleen.

Which air breathing animal can only swallow when its head is under water?

Blue Whale

What do baleen whales do after filtering small animals from the water?

Swallow them. That is how that type of whale gets its food.