

Can a jaguar eat a caiman?

Updated: 9/18/2023
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12y ago

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Jaguars do kill and eat small sized caimans, but not much of the large black caimans.

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Q: Can a jaguar eat a caiman?
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What is the predator of a caiman?

The green anaconda and the jaguar preys on the caiman.

What eats a jaguar besides another jaguar?

Nothing can eat an adult jaguar. They at the top of the food chain in their habitat. However as a baby, a jaguar cub could fall as prey to the anaconda or to the caiman.

Which animals are eaten by jaguar?

Jaguars eat capybara, peccary, caiman, fish, deer, many smaller animals.

How are caiman different than alligators?

Caiman are smaller than alligators and one of their predators is the panthera onca the Jaguar.

Do alligators eat jaguars?

This video shows a jaguar taking a caiman which is a relative of the alligator. The alligator does not live in the range of the jaguar.

What type of animal attacks a jaguar?

Only a very large caiman or anaconda could bring down a jaguar.

What eats a deer and a cougar?

Jaguar don't usually eat carnivorous animals. However, the caiman, a type of crocodilian, eats deer. Jaguars have been observed killing and eating caiman on at least one occasion. Usually, though, jaguar would prey on deer directly.

Who would win jaguar or adult black camain?

caiman would win

Who would win a cheetah or jaguar or a cougar?

A cheeta would loose against a cougar as well as a Jaguar, and the Cougar would lose about 70% of the time with a jaguar. The Jagaur is the biggest, and the Cougar is the middle, and the cheetah is last, and would be lucky to win against a cougar.

Do piranhas eat caimans?

They can eat the caiman hatchlings, but not an adult caiman.

What animal eats the Javalina?

Besides humans, the jaguar, puma, and caiman prey on the peccary (or javelina).

What do caiman like to eat?

they eat any available prey