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You cannot get a kidney stone in the pancreas, but you can get pancreatic calculi (stones). They will show up on a CT scan if they are sufficiently radioopaque i.e. dense enough to cause a change in the X-ray beam which is picked up by the detectors.

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Q: Can a kidney stone show up in the pancreas in a cat scan?
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Will cat scan show kidney stones with or without contrast?

Without. I had a cat scan this morning for that very reason and no contrast was needed.

What is symmetric nephrograms?

It is a scan of one's two kidneys, to show their functionality. It the scans are equal, then the functionality of the kidney's is equal. If one kidney is damaged in any way then then scans will not be equal. 'NB 'Nephro=' is from the Latin for 'Kidney'.

Why would a ct scan be more useful to a doctor than a simple x-ray?

A CT scan would be more useful to show the internal organs, muscles, veins and arteries. X-rays have a more limited scope. For example, problems with the liver, brain, pancreas and spleen can not be shown on an x-ray.

Diagnosis for Kidney Stones?

Blood Test - It uncovers a lot of calcium or uric corrosive in the blood. Blood test results screen kidney wellbeing and may lead the kidney expulsion stone emergency clinic in Chennai to check for other ailments. Urine Test - This test shows you are discharging too scarcely any stone-forestalling substances or too many stone-shaping minerals. For this test, the expert from the kidney stone evacuation emergency clinic in Chennai might perform two Urine assortments more than two back to back days. Imaging Test - Imaging tests show kidney stones in the urinary lot. High velocity or double energy CT might uncover little stones. Additionally, straightforward stomach x-beams are remembered for the kidney stone emergency clinic in Chennai to check the missed little kidney stones. Other than that, a painless test, ultrasound is likewise utilized as one more imaging choice to analyze kidney stones.

Does protein enter the urine?

No, but if it is it can show that there is kidney problems, such as kidney disease

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Where does it hurt when you have a kidney stone?

Kidney stones are normally followed with cloudy or bloody urine, no position is comfortable to sit in, may also have a burning or sharp pain in your bladder. Ant abdominal pain is strongly suggested to seek doctors help, abdominal pain can also indicate a bad appendix or even early signs of diabetes.

What does the CAT scan scan for?

A cat scan or CT scan (same thing) shows doctors a slice of the bodies insides, it is good for diagnosing problems with bones and soft organs like liver, bowel, spleen, and pancreas. Plain xrays only show bones and its 2 dimensional. MRIs are good for muscles and tissues like tendons.

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What is a Myocardial perfusion scan used for?

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Does a bone scan show inflammation of the muscles?

No, a bone scan shows bone metabolism.

What is the reaseon for a cat scan of the pancreas?

There are many things that could show up on it. They could be looking for pancreatitis ( an inflamatory disease in the pancreas) or cysts (fluid) or a cancer. It is important to follow up quickly on it.