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I am not 100% sure.

If you have a cable which connects it to the computer via usb, and the apple charger has a usb charger on it, yes. if not, no

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Q: Can a kindle charge with a nook charger?
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Why won't my Nook Color charge?

The charger may be faulty, the charger port pins broke

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The Nook came well after the Kindle.

Where do you connect the charger to charge a kindle?

One end of the charger plugs into the bottom edge of the kindle and the other end plugs into the USB port on a computer. Or you can buy an adapter to plug the kindle into a wall outlet.

Were to find a copy of hunger games?

The library,, or if you have a kindle/ nook from the store located on the kindle/ nook

What are opinions on which is better the nook or the Kindle?

Kindle for sure it has more to offer than the Nook & the pricing is totally worth it.

Does the Kindle Fire have more GB than the nook?

no, kindle fire is 8gb, and nook is 16gb, HOWEVER when watching movies and all the nook buffs WAY too much i suggest the kindle fire if you are planning on buying i suggest the kindle fire

Which ebook reader is better...the Kindle or the Nook?

The kindle is available at and is very convient and comes in different sizes. Kindle is 4gb and Nook is 2gb. The Nook is available from Barnes and Nobles and much more expensive.

Is nook better or Kindle?

Kindle because you can get more books for free.

Does the nook color use the same size charger as the lg rumor cell phone?

yes it is the same size but the lg rumor cell phone charger will only output an amperage of about 1A where as the stock nook color charger outputs around 1.8A so the charging speed and power of most cell phone chargers that fit in the nook will not be enough to charge it efficiently, i recommend buying another nook charger to save yourself the hassle of extremely long recharge times

What are the benefits of the nook ereader?

Kindles and Nooks are both ereaders. The Kindle is manufactured by Amazon and the Nook by Barnes and Noble. They support different file types, but at a similar cost, they are more similar than different.