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Leptons have mass.

According to special relativity, no particle with mass can travel at or faster than the speed of light. It would take infinite energy to do so.

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Q: Can a lepton travel faster than the speed of light?
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Does the LHC accelerate particles beyond the speed of light?

No, it does not. Nothing could be accelerated past the speed of light. As it approached the speed of light its mass would become infinite thereby requiring infinite energy. There were some results with neutrinos suggesting travel at faster than light speed, but it turned out to be due to experimental error.

Can traveling at the speed of light melt iron?

It isn't clear at all what you mean. In any case, it isn't possible to travel at the speed of light - except for specific particles, such as photons (pieces of light), which can ONLY travel at the speed of light.

Where earthquake waves travel faster whether in rock or water?

Faster in rock. the higher the density, the higher the speed.

What is tachyon travel?

Well, tachyons are particles that travel faster than the speed of light. Travel could be referring to how they move across the universe (if they exist) or somehow splitting a object down to the atoms and attaching it to a tachyon particle and sending it through space and time.

Is there any known thing that accelerates faster than light?

Yes, indeed there is. When I get up off the sofa and walk into the kitchen for a glass of milk, I have accelerated at a higher rate than the acceleration of light, since the speed of light is constant and it doesn't accelerate. ***** If, on the other hand, you're asking if any object has a speed higher than the speed of light, then the answer is a little more subtle. Relativity makes it clear that no object carrying information can travel faster than the speed of light. Until a few months ago, this "speed limit" seemed pretty safe. Recent experiments at CERN suggest neutrinos going to Italy at a rate faster than the speed of light, but even the CERN experimenters admit they have probably made an error. It's just that nobody's been able to find the error yet.

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What is superluminal travel?

Travel faster than the speed of light. By definition, Superluminal is "Faster-than-light (FTL)"

Does sound and light travel at the same speed?

no, light is faster

Does red light travel faster than blue light?

No. All colors travel at the same speed. It is called "the speed of light".

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Light. No ordinary matter can travel at or faster than the speed of light.

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Can information travel faster than the speed of light?

According to the Theory of Relativity, nothing can go faster than the speed of light. And since light is information, it cannot go faster than the speed of light.

What travels faster than the speed of light?

Tachyons are hypothetical sub atomic particles that can travel faster than the speed of light.

Why did Einstein state that you can travel faster than light but not at the same speed at which the light travels?

Einstein stated that nothing can travel faster than light.

Is sound the fastest speed possible?

No!...Speed of light is the fastest speed possible, but now a new particle called lepton is more faster than light...rather it is has the fastest speed discovered till now.It travels in the same wave as light travels i.e tranverse waves.

Does light travel faster than speed?

Speed is a measure of the ate of travel: speed itself does not travel. So the question makes no sense.

What is more faster then the speed of light?

Theoretically there exist hypothetical particles called tachyons which can travel faster than the speed of light.

Can mass travel faster than the speed of light?

No, nothing can.