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Of Course! xD

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Yes it can

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Q: Can a light bulb start a fire when a piece of paper is added to the top?
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Will paper float or sink in water?

Dry paper is less dense than water and will float. But paper is absorbent: when in contact with water, it will start to absorb water into its fibers. This increases the density, so eventually it becomes saturated and sinks. Paper boats can be made, where only a small portion of the sheet is touching the water, slowing the absorption rate and allowing it to float much longer.

Why does the paper used for the 'paper steamboat' in Japanese restaurants does not get burn?

The burning point of the paper staemboat is alot higher then the water inside it. When the fire start, the water inside the steamboat will keep absorbing the heat energy from the flame. The steamboat cannot be burnt since it cannot reach the bruning point for it to burn, even when the water starts to boil. The steamboat, however, will start to burn when the water inside finish evaporating and can nolonger absorb the energy for it.

Why does the amount of light reaching the woodland floor decrease during may?

Because in May, the laces start to grow back so the light is blocked and taken in by the leaves on the trees

What does the prefix vacu mean?

I think vacu is a word and prefix means added to the start of the root word so the definition is to look it up on the interent. simple!

What should always be the first step in making a drawing?

There isn't really a specific first step, but a good way to start a drawing is to do a basic contour or outline in a light pencil. For example, if you are drawing a person, you might want to draw the basic shape of the body first (head shape, torso, un-detailed arms and legs) so you know where everything is on the paper and how you should proportion it.

Related questions

How do you fold a piece of paper to get 4 lines of symmetry?

The answer will depend on the shape of the paper that you start with.

What are some things that start with the letter W that can be glued on a piece of paper?

Weeds, wheat, whiskers, wick and wire can be glued to a piece of paper. They begin with the letter W.

How do you make a badge?

to start you get a round piece of cardboard and a circular piece of paper and glue together then get a pin puncture just under the paper and back up again on the other side of the cardboard get another piece of paper the same size and colour in you can also get wrapping paper if you preferred glue on and you have YOUR OWN BADGE!

How do you start the alien ship?

First get the fuel rod. Then type in the coordinates you have on the piece of paper you found.

How do you charge a mobile battery using paper?

take small piece of paper with sharp edge and insert it with battery and remove the paper and u see it will start charging

How do you design car?

for a start you spelt design wrong and pick up a pencil, grab a piece of paper and start drawing, have fun.

When you tear a piece of paper what type of change takes place?

When you tear a piece of paper, a physical change occurs as the paper is physically broken apart into smaller pieces. This change does not alter the chemical composition of the paper, so it remains the same substance before and after tearing.

Why paper by itself catches fire easily whereas a piece of paper wrapped around an aluminium pipe does not?

when the piece of paper is wrapped around the pipe, less of the paper is exposed to oxygen, which is essential to start a fire. the more oxygen, the better. ********************** Another factor is that aluminum is excellent at absorbing heat from the paper and that keeps the paper cooler for a longer time.

How do you build a paper heart?

Fold a piece of paper hamburger style. About 1 inch down from the top of the folded paper, start an arc and loop it down to the corner of the fold. Cut along this figure you made.

What is the initial pinch process in rolling steel?

It is the start of your roll, just like a piece of paper it is easier to start a roll in steel if the inside edge is pinched over.

You can start a fire if you have alcoholpetrolkerosenepapercandlea full matchbox and a piece of cotton wool what is the first thing you light?

The Match

How can i write about dogs?

Pick up a pencil . . . a piece of paper or book . . . and then start carving in letter. PRETTY simple, wouldn't you say?