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A couple of factors in surviving a bite from a king cobra:

1) How much venom did the animal inject

2) The availability of anti-venin and proximity (how close) to the hospital.

King Cobras can determine and inject as much or as little venom as they choose. There are cases and up to 30% of all bites are considered "dry bites." A dry bite occurs when the animal injects very little or no venom into the person. A cobra prefers to save its venom for prey but if threatened or cornered can give a substantial amount...a fatal amount. The venom is neuro toxic which causes respiratory and cardiac paralyses within minutes and death can occur in as little as 45 minutes after a bite.

Baby cobras do not have the ability to control the venom amount so their bites are actually considered more dangerous than adults which is also true for the north American rattlesnakes, copperheads and water moccasins.

The anti-venin is fairly specific to the specie of snake that bit you. So knowing it was a king cobra vs a water cobra or monocled cobra is important in the treatment protocal of anti-venin.

What that means is if you misidentify the snake they can give you the incorrect type of serum anti-venin and you're toast.

If you are within 45 minutes of help (hospital) there is a 50/50 chance of surviving the bite.

However, if you are bitten by a full grown adult (which can reach 18 feet) and if it gives you a full dose your odds of survival are reduced tremendously.

Cobras are tremendously intelligent animals and capable of problem solving. They think in 3 dimensions and plan.

Cobra venom is now under clinical trials for treating paralyses and neuromuscular disorders as well as memory and learning disabilities. For more info click on the zoocrewkids blog below.

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13y ago

Yes, if treated in time with anti-venom , and some people have some anti-bodies from previous bites. All bites need to be treated , as if even not completely envenomated , the bite can become gangrenous.

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14y ago

The thing to remember is that when bitten by any snake tie a cloth very tightly above the bite so the poison want spread. If you get anty venom injection soon you should survive.

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13y ago

when a person is bitten by a king cobra, they have about thirty seconds to live.

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13y ago

Thousands of people die from cobra bites.......cobra bites are extremely poisonous and you could die in a matter of minutes.... or maybe even seconds.

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Q: Can a man survive after king cobra bite?
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SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS and it wasn't a snake bite it was injections of cobra venom.

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What are some facts about King Cobra?

* They are the largest venomous snakes in the world * They can grow upto 6 meters in length * They are extremely venomous. One bite is enough to kill a fully grown man * They eat other snakes.

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A king Cobra

How do you do the cobra on lanyard?

Go to and then browse through the different ideas for making lanyard has. Trust me, you will find the cobra stitch...And you will absolutely love all the other ideas the ''boondoggle man'' has!! You will also find a KING COBRA stitch you can make. OR Go to and then read the instructions. To make King Cobra over-lap your previous cobra with any lanyard you have left on that knot

Does king cobras have a natural defense?

Yes they doA:Although not the most toxic of poisonous snakes a king cobra can kill an elephant with one bite, the king cobra kills it's prey by striking and injecting it with venom and swallowing it whole.General InformationKing Cobra Scientific CassificationKingdom: AnimaliaPhylum: ChordataClass: ReptiliaOrder: SquamataSuborder: SerpentesFamily: ElapidaeGenus: OphiophagusSpecies: O. HannahThe largest poisonous snake would be the King Cobra(Ophiophagus hanna), the Latin wordOphiophagus means "Snake-eater". The king cobra can reach a length of around 18.5ft (5.6388m), and lives in the Rainforest's and grasslands of Southeast Asia, India and China. Color is generally tan, olive-green or black with faint pale yellow cross bands, the females lay around 50 eggs in a constructed nest where they will guard and incubate them faithfully for 60 to 80 days, the young are called Hatchlings and about 1.5 ft. (50cm ) long at birth, the King cobra is very fast and agile with an average lifespan of about 20 years.Although not the most toxic of poisonous snakes a king cobra can kill an elephant with one bite, the king cobra kills it's prey by striking and injecting it with venom and swallowing it whole, it's preferred diet is mainly other venomous and non-venomous snakes but includes small reptiles, birds and amphibians as well. King Cobras are aggressive and will rear up to confront the intruder where most other cobras will slither away and hide. The only predators are the mongoose and man.

Fate the cursed king?

. . . . a game. or you may be talking about the "curse" that befalls those who were involved with unearthing King Tutankhamen's remains. Such as Lord Carnarvon who died from a mosquito bite shortly after discovering the place where King Tut was buried. Another "major" story that went out was of Howard Carter, the man who actually found the burial chamber of King Tutankhamen. Actually it is about his pet canary that was killed by a cobra shortly after Carter's discovery.

What are facts about king cobra?

its venom can kill 20 humansA:*Although not the most toxic of poisonous snakes a king cobra can kill an elephant with one bite.* The king cobras are the only snakes who construct a nest for their hatchlings.General InformationKing Cobra Scientific CassificationKingdom: AnimaliaPhylum: ChordataClass: ReptiliaOrder: SquamataSuborder: SerpentesFamily: ElapidaeGenus: OphiophagusSpecies: O. HannahThe largest poisonous snake would be the King Cobra(Ophiophagus hanna), the Latin wordOphiophagus means "Snake-eater". The king cobras average size is 13-14 ft. (3.96-4.26m) weighing around 20 lbs (9 kg), they can reach a length of around 18.5ft (5.6388m) weighing over 40lbs. (18.1436kgs.) and lives in the Rainforest's and grasslands of Southeast Asia, India and China. Color is generally tan, olive-green or black with faint pale yellow cross bands, the females lay around 50 eggs, the king cobras are the only snakes who construct a nest for their hatchlings which they incubate and protect until they emerge in 60 to 80 days, the young are called Hatchlings and about 1.5 ft. (50cm ) long at birth, the King cobra is very fast and agile with an average lifespan of about 20 years.Although not the most toxic of poisonous snakes a king cobra can kill an elephant with one bite, the king cobra tracks by site and smell then kills it's prey by striking and injecting it with venom and swallowing it whole, it's preferred diet is mainly other venomous and non-venomous snakes but includes small reptiles, birds and amphibians as well. King Cobras are aggressive and will rear up to confront the intruder where most other cobras will slither away and hide. The only predators are the mongoose and man.

How close do you have to be so the king cobra could spit its venom?

King Cobra's cannot spit its venom only spitting cobra's can. Like the red Spitting Cobra, King Cobra's are not true cobra's their genus is Ophiophagus which means snake-eater in greek which their main diet is other snakes, true cobras genus is Naja. Spitting cobra's are true cobra's cause there genus is Naja. This answer was improved by murfdog221.