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Had, past tense. Either it came down on it's own or with help. Either way, you only need one to produce sperm and both may be working. There may be other issues, but by itself, one undecended testicle should not stop you from producing sperm.

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Possible, but not likely. They would be too warm to produce very many if any sperm.

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Q: Can a man with an undescended testicle still have children?
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What causes a man's testicles to stay halfway in his body cavity all the time?

An undescended testicle (cryptorchidism) is a testicle that hasn't moved into its proper position in the bag of skin hanging below the penis (scrotum) before birth. Usually just one testicle is affected, but about 10 percent of the time both testicles are undescended. An undescended testicle is uncommon in general, but common among baby boys born prematurely. The vast majority of the time, the undescended testicle moves into the proper position on its own, within the first few months of life. If your son has an undescended testicle that doesn't correct itself, surgery can relocate the testicle into the scrotum. Testicles form in the abdomen during fetal development. During the last couple of months of normal fetal development, the testicles gradually descend from the abdomen through a tube-like passageway in the groin (inguinal canal) into the scrotum. With an undescended testicle, that process stops or is delayed. If the testicle hasn't moved into the scrotum by the time your son is 4 months old, the problem probably won't correct itself. Treating an undescended testicle when your son is still a baby might lower the risk of complications later in life, such as infertility and testicular cancer. Older boys - from infants to pre-adolescent boys - who have normally descended testicles at birth might appear to be "missing" a testicle later. This condition might indicate: A retractile testicle, which moves back and forth between the scrotum and the groin and might be easily guided by hand into the scrotum during a physical exam. This is not abnormal and is due to a muscle reflex in the scrotum. An ascending testicle, or acquired undescended testicle, that has "returned" to the groin and can't be easily guided by hand into the scrotum. If you notice any changes in your genitals or are concerned, talk to your doctor. ~Mayo Clinic

If a man has one testicle is his sperm affected?

The overall Count will be a bit lower, but if that testicle is healthy, the man will still be fertile.

Can you live without a testicle?

Absolutely - the man would simply be unable to sire children.

Do one testicular man can have normal libido for successful married life?

Your sexual life and fertility haven't got anything to do with you having one testicle. It is all normal. During contacts sport there's nothing more major than protecting your one and only testicle. If you have suffered undescended testicle while u were a baby, research found out that there is slight risk of infertility.

A man with one testicle fertile?

Yes, as long as the testicle is functioning properly then you can reproduce with one testicle.

Can a person live with one testes?

Absolutely ! A man can still father a child if he has only one testicle.

Is it dangerous for a guy of 15 years old to get his testicle removed due to cancer and will it affect his fertility and can he have sex properly?

You can still have children with one testicle, one produces more than enough sperm to impregnate a woman. Even with no testicles, a man can still have sex with regular testosterme treatments. The vast majority of seminal fluid comes from the prostate, not the testicles.

Can a stallion with one testicle breed?

Can a man with one testicle breed? The answer is YES

What is a fake testicle?

When a man has a testicle removed by a doctor, he may opt to have an implant put into the scrotum in order to make it seem like he still has both testicles. The implant does nothing other than occupy the empty space where the removed testicle once resided.

What do you call a man with one testicle?


How is Testicle fluid in the sac removed?

There is no testicle fluid in the sac. The testicles create sperm and this is released when a man ejaculates. Hope this helps.

Are men with one testicle related to gay people?

No. there is no connection at all. A man with one testicle may be straight or gay.