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You get the metal hydroxide instead of the metal oxide. This happens with extremely reactive metals such as sodium.

2Na + 2H2O --> 2NaOH +H2

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Q: Can a metal plus water equal a metal oxide plus hydrogen?
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What type of an oxide is water?

Water H2O is the oxide of hydrogen. It is thus a non-metal oxide.

Is hydrogen oxide water?

Yes. Hydrogen oxide is water.

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Metal+oxygen=metal oxide? im not sure but i think thats the right answer, or it could be metal+water=metal hydroxide+ hydrogen

What happen when metal is added to water?

it depends what metal it is, if it is a reactive metal like potassium or sodium it will effervesce (bubble) and create a metal hydroxide and hydrogen. if it is a less reactive metal it will create a metal oxide and hydrogen (zinc, etc)

Why is water's chemical name called hydrogen oxide?

The molecular formula of water is H2O, where H is hydrogen and O is oxygen. Water is the oxide of hydrogen, therefore it's called Hydrogen Oxide.

Is hydrogen a basic oxide?

Hydrogen is an element. It is not an oxide. A substance becomes oxide when it is bonded with oxygen only. Water is hydrogen oxide which is neutral

What happens when you mix an acid with a metal oxide?

Generally metal oxides are soluble in acids but this is not mandatory. A metal salt is obtained as a product and hydrogen also.

Is hydrogen oxide a mixture?

No, hydrogen oxide is another name for water, which is a compound.

Word equation for soluble metal oxide plus water?

Metal oxide + Water --> Metal hydroxide

What is oxide of water called?

Water is H2O and is thus hydrogen oxide.

Hydrogen peroxide is the most common oxide of hydrogen?

No, water (H2O) is the most common oxide of hydrogen.