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If he has a valid passport of Another Country he can.

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Q: Can a moroccan return to morocco with an expired moroccan passport?
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Can i flight now my passport expired date?

You need to have a current passport to leave the country, or to return. If you are already outside the country and your passport expires, you will need to contact your consulate to have it renewed.

Do you have to have six months left on your passport from your return journey to travel to Europe?

What do you mean by "Europe" and where are you returning to?? European Union passport holders traveling between the UK and other parts of the European Union need a passport. At present the passport can be in date or expired.

Can you fly domestic with a expired visa but valid passport?

No. You won't even be allowed on the departing plane without a valid Passport. A valid passport IS required to re-enter your country of origin. The country you went to should have not let you enter unless you had at least 7 or 8 months remaining before your passport expired. You might call up the US consulate and ask what procedures you must do to return to your country. Passport expiration dates are the responsibility of the passport holder.

Will you need a Russian visa to go to Russia if you are a Russian citizen but your international Russian passport has expired and you have American passport and a green card?

You need to have a valid greencard and an American passport to return to America after your visit. I'm not sure. Maybe, most likely. Or you could just consider getting the passport 'renewed' Recources - I am Russian

Why was you denied entry to Canada via Casablanca with your Namibian passport?

Citizens of Namibia traveling to Canada via Casablanca must show proof of entry in Namibia- Invitation and enough money and also a return ticket to Namibia.... Moroccan immigration will frustrate you but you be able to anwer them why you are boarding through Morocco instead of Windhoek-amsterdam-toronto or windhoek-london-toronto.. One you show proof of entry into Canada and the reason why you are traveling to Canada through morocco, you will go but its a hell in Arab country when you transit....

Do you need a passport to return to the US?

in order to leave or return the US you must have a passport.

If you have less than 6 months left can you travel to Dubai?

A person may still travel to any country as long as the passport is not expired. How long before it expires is not taken into account unless the passport expires before the traveler is expected to return.

Can an American return to the US on a UK passport?

No. If he is an American he must have a valid American passport.

When is a passport needed to return from Mexico?


Your perminent residence card is expired but you need to travel to Mexico can you still travel to Mexico?

As long as you have an American passport, you can enter Mexico. Problem is on your way back to the US. Without a valid proof of citizenship, you will not be abe to return to US soil.

Can you sign up for a passport without a birth certificate or social security card I NEED HELP I am going to morocco next month?

The answer is NO! you need all three inorder to get your passport to leave this country and to return. It might take time to get your passport, depending upon where you live, so if you are planning on leaving soon you better start now. It is even more difficult to leave and enter this country now due to the airport security,

Does a passport need to be valid past the date of return for US Citizens going to Mexico?

Yes. You always have to have a passport that's valid past the return date when leaving the US, since you can't enter the US without a valid passport.