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In general, support is paid to the parent or other caretaker who has custody of the child (or to the State as reimbursement for assistance furnished).

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Q: Can a mother receive child support if she has signed over her rights?
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What if your Father died owing back child support and your mother signed over rights to you to someone else when you was 16 and now your 22 who would get the money and how would you go about it?

You mother.

Can an illegal immigrant mother receive child support if she leaves country and father gives up all rights?

If the father Legally gave up his parental rights - (signed legal papers), then he is no longer legally responsible to pay child support for the child. Did he give up parental rights so you could remove the child from the country? A family member of mine had to have her baby's father sign away his parental rights so he would not have to pay child support when he entered the military. So - once parental rights are signed away Legally, the father has NO obligation to pay child support. You cannot have it both ways - you cannot have him sign away his parental rights, yet still expect him to pay child support.

Did Robert Morris support the bill of rights?

yes, he agreed completely with the Bill of Rights. He signed it.

Can child support stop to the mother that has signed over her rights?

Child support is paid to support the child and follows the child; it is paid to the child's custodial parent, or to a guardian. So if the mother has lost her rights, she is no longer custodial and therefore may no longer have charge of the funds. Child support will still have to be paid though and this time also by the mother, to the one now taking care of the child. If the child is being adopted you pay until the adoption is finalized.

He signed his rights away then found out he was not the biological father can he take the mother to court to get the paid child support back?

No, it is considered a gift. Unfortunately, Paternity Fraud is a crime that does pay. Google it.

If your son was born in Florida and you and the mother weren't married and you signed the birth certificate do you have to legitimate the child?

No, but you will be obligated to pay child support without any rights. see links below

During what month and year is a new constitution signed and women receive equal rights?

August 19

Can a mother request child support after a father gives up his rights?

The following answer is my opinion only, and is based on past experience. This should not be considered to be legal advice: For one parent to give up their legal rights to their children, there must be a court order involved. Both parents normally must have agreed to this and signed those court documents. Once that happens, the parent who signed away their rights can no longer be held liable for child support. Check with a local child support attorney or paralegal. They should be able to answer that question for you.

Can a grandparent receive back child support for a 23 year old if an agreement was signed stating that all rights for the child are the grandparents?

No by 23 it's too late. This should've been done before he became an adult.

If a father signed over parental rights does he still have to pay child support or medical expenses?

I don't see how. But the laws are all messed up on this check into your state laws. I don't think he can just sign over parental rights he has to sign them over to someone or the mother has to agree if that is the case most likely he will not have to pay support.

What states order child support to be paid even if the rights are signed over?

As far as I know, all of them.

Does the state of Texas require payment of child support if the parental rights of an adopted child are signed over?

If you are the father, and have signed an agreement to allow the adoption, than no. You have neither rights, nor responsibilities. But, court approval is required.