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Q: Can a mule urinate while walking?
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Can a horse urinate while walking?

Geldings will do this sometimes when they are almost finished urinating. Mares usually like to stand in one place.

What transportation was used in times of ancient japan?

Horses, boats, & walking.

What do you do if your rat cant hold in her urine?

First, I would ask what you mean by "hold in her urine". It is normal for a rat to urinate while walking sometimes or when you are holding them. My rats won't urinate in the bedding where they sleep, but they urinate all over everywhere else. i know it can be messy, but I just clean out their cages once a week and it's not much of a problem.

How do you get through the khyber pass?

By walking, riding a horse, mule or camel, or a very tough vehicle.

Can someone still reproduce if they can urinate while erect?

Yes, why wouldn't they be able to? Everyone can urinate while erect, it's just a little harder.

What animal can sink in quicksand but a mule will not?

A Donkey will struggle and it will start to sink, while a mule will remain calm and only partially stuck.

What is it called when you urinate while coughing?

stress incontinence

What are transportation methods between 1800 and 1860?

Horse, mule, sled dogs, boat, train, buggy, stagecoach, & walking.

Can you urinate while you are running?

Yes, but it's impractical and messy

I urinate while pooing together is this normal?

yes that is normal

Will a mule sink in quicksand?

A Donkey will sink in quick sand because it will struggle and cause itself to sink, while a mule will remain calm and only partially stuck.

Is walking gerund in 'while walking'?

In your "fragment", walking is a participle. Think of it this way; while (doing what?) walking, and since this word adds -ing to the end of the verb "walk", it is therefore a participle.