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You can overseed into the existing lawn but will not have much success with weed control. Your best bet is to either chemically or manually remove the vegetation and seed into that. You will have some weeds return during germination but if you keep up with the pulling by hand as the seed germinates you will have a nice new lawn.

P. S. Make sure if you use chemical to see how long it is recommended to wait before seeding into the treated area. Good luck!

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Q: Can a new lawn be planted over an existing one that is in really bad shape and full of weeds?
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Yes, Clinic Ace can keep weeds under control around newly planted native hedges. The herbicide in question may be applied seven days before the hedges are planted. It tends to be applied post-planting when woody plants are at least two years old even though cultivators also tend to avoid using the glyphosate-active weed killer around hedge rows.

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Weed and Feed is the LESCO product that is best to use to kill weeds in newly planted grass. The product merges duties as a fertilizer and herbicide. Its NPK formula of 18-0-9 will deliver nitrogen, phosphate and potash to ensure hardy turfgrasses with deep green color, strong roots and vigorous blade, leaf and stem growth.

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How can weeds be killed without hurting clover planted for bees?

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