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Q: Can a parent evict an 18 year old child in California?
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Can a parent evict an 18 year old child in Ontario Canada?

It is possible to evict an adult child in Ontario, Canada. The process is very similar to evicting another tenant, where the parent has to lay down all rules and regulations in writing to be signed, followed by an eviction notice for breaking such rules.

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Can a court ask another parent to help pay for college after the child turns 18 year of age for California?

Not likely as the child is now an adult.

How can you evict your 18 year old in the state of Washington?

In order to evict you 18 year old, you will need to get an eviction notice. You can obtain an eviction notice from your local court house.

Can you legally evict your 17 year old child from your house in Illnois?

No, he has to be 18. You are responsible for him until then.

Can a parent remove their 19 year old child from the house if they choose to?

If the child has reached the age of majority in the state where they legally reside and is not physically disabled, yes. In most states, this is 18 (with a few exceptions). However, if the child has been paying rent, the parents would have to legally evict them to do so.

Can a 15 year old leave home in California?

In California, a minor who is at least 14 years old may request to be declared emancipated by the court. Emancipation allows the minor to live independently from their parents or guardians. However, the court will consider various factors before granting emancipation, such as the minor's ability to financially support themselves and their overall well-being.

What are the laws in California if a 14 year old gets pregnant by 24 year old man even if approved by parent?

"If approved by parent" probably means that the 24 year old man AND both the parents will go to jail. The parents are allowing or promoting the crime of child rape and the 24 year old man is performing child rape.

In California what do I need from parent of 17 year old to have him legally stay with me he's not my child.?

The parent would have to go to the Court and assign you as the 17 year olds Legal Guardian..If the Mother and Father share joint custody of the 17 year old then you will need the permission of both parents.

Does a parent have any parental control of their 18 year old in New York state?

when an 18 year old person lives under the roof of the parents he/she must abide by the rules, if not then it is the parent's right to evict, that way they will nOT be responsible for-the action of the person.

If child lives with higher income parent who claims on taxes every year?

The parent who is considered the custodial parent.

In California can a thirteen year old choose which parent to live with?

Yes. A child as young as 11 years old can choose which parent they wish to live with. It doesn't mean however that a judge will grant it, it merely means that the child can file formally with the court for a change in custody.