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In most cases the courts do not care who pays the ticket. And if the ticket vehicle has their name on the registration, they have an obligation to see that it is resolved.

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Q: Can a parent pay your traffic ticket without you being there?
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Does the statute of limitations apply in Texas on traffic violations without being issued a ticket?

There is no statute of limitations on traffic tickets in Texas. If the officer did not give you a ticket, you were not issued one. Look up the ticket online, if possible.

Is obstruction of traffic a MV point in NJ?

No. NJSA 39:4-67, Obstruction of Traffic is a non-pont moving violation. If issued a ticket for Obstruction of Traffic the fine is $56.00. If you were issued another ticket and that ticket is being amended to Obstruction of Traffic in court, there is an additional court cost of $33.00.

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It is possible to get a ticket without being pulled over. Oftentimes, traffic lights are rigged up with cameras that take pictures of cars that run red lights. The tickets are then matched up with the license plates, and owners receive their tickets in the mail.

Will a traffic ticket for cutting corners raise your insurance rates?

A traffic ticket could raise your insurance rates. It won't raise them right away, but may come into play when the insurance is being renewed.

What appens if you refuse to sign a traffic ticket in Virgina?

Not much happens. The officer will note that the driver refused to sign the ticket. It will not prevent the ticket from being valid and the fine having to be resolved.

Can a minor receive a fine from the police?

Yes. A perfect example of this would be being issued a traffic ticket.

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No, pregnancy or being a parent does not emancipate you.

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can a person rent a car with a traffic ticket? 1 being a pending sr-22 coverage (driving an uninsured car)

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When is it better to contest a traffic ticket instead of paying it?

There can be a few times when it is better to contest a traffic ticket instead of paying it. One of these instances could be when a person feels like an officer issued the ticket when they weren't supposed to. A person could feel this way if the ticket was issued because of being caught in a speed trap or when the officer was deliberately hidden.

Can you get your learner's permit without your parent being there if you have the parent consent form signed in Florida?

no you cant sarry

How many illegal Maneuvers will the average driver perform before being stopped and issued a traffic ticket?

There are no statistics for this category.