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Yes. To be legal, it must be unloaded and inacessible. If you don't have a carry permit, the best place to store it is in the trunk, or if you don't have a trunk, as far to the rear of the car (away from anyone in the car) as you can put it. If you have a carry permit from any state in the U.S. you can carry it loaded and accessible. Tennessee recognizes permits from any state.

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14y ago

If you have a valid permit from any U.S. state, you can carry a handgun loaded, on your person or otherwise accessible in your car. If you don't have a permit, you have to abide by federal transport laws, which basically say the gun has to be unloaded and inaccessible.

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11y ago

It's only legal if you have a gun permit, and then, it only applies to handguns. If you have a handgun permit, you can have a shotgun or rifle in your car, magazine loaded, but you cannot have a round in the chamber. Otherwise, it has to be unloaded and inaccessible.

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11y ago

With a proper concealed carry permit it is more likely that you can carry a loaded handgun in your car with you, whenever you are traveling within the State and any other State(s) that has an agreement to honor the Tennessee Concealed Carry Permit.

Check out the codes concerning the Tennessee Concealed Carry Permit Information for more specific information on carrying loaded handguns in Tennessee at the official TN.Gov website for more information in the related links below.

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12y ago

You can transport an unloaded firearm in Tennessee, but if you want to carry in loaded or on your person, you need a permit. Tennessee recognizes permits from any state.

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12y ago

You can't legally keep it accessible unless you have a carry permit. If you have a permit, you can keep it anywhere in the car. Without a permit, it has to be unloaded and inaccessible.

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Q: What are Tennessee laws on carrying a handgun in a car?
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What is the law in Tennessee for carrying a hand gun in your car if you have a cwp?

If you have a valid handgun permit from any U.S. state, you can carry the gun loaded and have it anywhere in the vehicle. If you do not have a valid carry permit, you must abide by federal transport law, which basically says the gun must be unloaded and not accessible. The best choice is unloaded and in the trunk with the ammo in a separate container.

Is a gun under your seat of a car a felony in Tennessee?

If you have a concealed carry permit from Tennessee, or from a state with which Tennessee has reciprocity, no. If you do not, it's a misdemeanor, provided you can legally possess the handgun.

What are ALlaws on carrying a handgun in a car?

Far too many to list here, as all states have varying laws pertaining to this. If in doubt, locked in the trunk with ammo stored separately is the safest way to go.

Handgun in car Florida law?

In Florida, if you have a valid concealed carry license, you're generally allowed to have a handgun in your car, including in places like the glove compartment or a closed container. However, laws can change, so it's important to stay updated with the latest regulations.

What are the handgun laws in New Orleans?

Keeping a handgun in your car is legal, it is considered a home extension, and in public, I believe you have to have a concealed carry permit. (New Orleans follows the same rules as the rest of Louisiana)

Is transportating a loaded firearm in a car a misdeamnor or a felony?

It depends on the location, and the circumstances. For instance, in Tennessee, you might be charged with "carrying an unlawful weapon," or you might be charged with "intent to go armed."

How do you carry a handgun from state to state?

It depends on what you mean exactly. You can transport an unloaded handgun in your vehicle while you travel as long as the handgun isn't accessible to you. However, if you have a handgun carry permit, you can carry the gun on your person in some states. That said, you can carry a handgun on your person inside your car in some states without a permit. Check out for more information about each individual state's laws.

What are new car return laws in TENNESSEE?

Tennesse has a Lemon Law, and the Federal Lemon law is also in force there as well. To qualify for these laws you need to have taken the car in for warranty work many times over.

Can you carry a handgun in your car in Alabama?

You can have it unloaded and inaccessible. In order to have it accessible and loaded, you must have a carry permit valid in Alabama.

Can you carry a handgun in your car in Idaho?

Only if you have a legal license

Can you carry a handgun in your car in florida?

To my knowledge, only if you have a permit you can.

Where do I keep a handgun in your car legally in Texas?

In plain sight.