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Nope. Herpes isn't spread through blood or body fluids. It's spread through skin contact like kissing on the mouth, or having oral sex or intercourse.

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Q: Can a person catch genital herpes by sharing a needle?
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Can you get chlamydia from sitting right behind an infected person?

You can't get chlamydia from sitting right behind an infected person. Chlamydia is spread by sexual contact with someone who's infected. You can get it from oral, anal, or vaginal sex; genital-genital contact; sharing sex toys; or birth to an infected woman.

Is it possible to get a genital herpes to somebody not through sex but by just using someones panty?

The chance is very small. Once herpes hits air the virus will die almost instantly. Herpes isn't likely to rub on the surface of a towel, toilet, clothing or other items. If the herpes virus happened to rub on the surface of an item the virus would die before a person came in contact with the virus. Some studies report herpes could spread by sharing a drink but the chance is almost non existent. You can get genital herpes through genital-genital contact or genital-oral contact with someone who has herpes infection. The virus is most easily spread through contact with open sores. But you also can get the virus from skin that does not appear to have a sore. You can become infected with the herpes virus without having intercourse.

Can you get genital warts if Ive never had any sexual contact except kissing?

No, another persons mouth or genitals must touch yours to get genital warts. Genital warts usually come from herpes or HPV. you can get herpes in the mouth from kissing though, especially if the person you are kissing has herpes in the mouth.

Can you get herpes by sharing a beverage?

If the sores are on, in, or around the person's mouth, yes.

What's Genital herpes?

When You;ve Been Sleeping with People that have Genital Herpes, Has warts growing on there privates . No, Genital Herpes is caused by the herpes simplex virus that is contracted when you have any sexual contact with a person including sex, masturbation, or kissing. Medicine can shorten or stop outbreaks for a period of time but it can not cure herpes.Genital herpes is a viral infection caused by being infected by the HSV-2 virus.Genital herpes is a viral infection from the virus HSV-type 2 that may cause painful sores in the genital area.gential herpes means your gendar and herpes that are on your body on your leg and down

Why do people who dont have herpes get cold sores?

A person has to be infected with the herpes virus (type 1) to get a cold sore.

Can you get herpes from sharing a quilt?

If the person you are in bed with has herpes, you can catch it from sharing a bed.

Can you get herpes from someone that is not infected?

Herpes can only be passed through direct skin-to-skin contact with the infected area such as kissing, intercourse, genital-to-genital rubbing, vaginal intercourse.Herpes (both oral & genital) can be spread even when there are no symptoms or sores. This is called asymptomatic shedding.In case you have herpes, I recommend you to watch the #1 way to get rid of herpes Permanently -

A person infected with genital herpes can pass on the infection even if what isn't present painful blisters discharge and itch pus and mucus chancre sores?

according to, genital herpes can be spread via sores. but can be spread via blood if sores are not present. so the answer is sores!

Can you catch AIDS from sharing needles?

An example would be HIV/AIDS which is a non-curable disease and pretty much a death sentence, no offense. You should nevershare a needle with someone else, because there's always a chance that you can catch a disease unless you know the full background of that person. But all in all, I recommend you don't do it.

Can a person who has genital herpes get a massage therapy license?

Yes! This is not a reason they would deny you a license. A reason for that would be mental capacity or criminal record.

Can Sexually transmitted infections be transfered from skin to skin contact?

Chlamydia is an STD and is mainly passed through genital contact. You can get it from oral, anal, and vaginal sex; genital-genital contact; sharing sex toys; and birth to a woman with chlamydia.Yes, you can get chlamydia from genital-genital contact, without putting the penis all the way in.