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Yes, a person convicted of a felony can run for Congress. There are obstacles. Getting one's name on the ballot depends on state laws; in some states it is more difficult than others.

There is at least one case of a former convict being elected to Congress: F.H. Shoemaker, of Minnesota, was elected for one term in 1932, despite having served time in Leavenworth for mail fraud. A little research should turn up other instances.

Each house of Congress is the judge of the election returns and the qualifications of its own members, under Article 1, Section 5 of the United States Constitution.

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15y ago

Yes. The only limitations on who can be elected to congress in the constitution are as follows: "No Person shall be a Representative who shall not have attained to the Age of twenty five Years, and been seven Years a Citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an Inhabitant of that State in which he shall be chosen."

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15y ago

Can a person run for congress if they have been convicted of a felony offense? And, can a Congressman continue to serve if he/she is convicted of a felony offense? Michael

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9y ago

There is nothing in the Constitution against it, and people have been reelected to public office after drug convictions, so I suppose it's possible if the voters want the person.

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8y ago

I suppose it depends on the nature of the convictions. Obviously, someone convicted of fraud or perjury wouldn't make a good politician - as they couldn't be trusted !

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Q: Can a person convicted of a felony run for congress?
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be over 35 years of age

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No they do not have to be born a US Citizen. They can become a citizen through the naturalization process.

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